[Advice] My friend challenged me...

My friend came up with a challenge mode for grim dawn that we’re both now running. I’m calling it the “One Button Challenge.” I’m not asking any of you to join. What I actually need is advice. The rules are simple:

  1. I can only put points in masteries until I have 50 points in both. No skills until then.
  2. I cannot import any items or iron
  3. When I’ve reached max ranks in both masteries, I can only take automatic or toggled, permanent passives (eg. weapon proc skills, Posession, etc).
  4. While components and devotions are allowed, I can’t use any active abilities given by them.

Essentially only basic auto attacks and potions are allowed to be pressed. I think he just wants to beat the base game, but I want to beat Ultimate. He and I have argued back and forth about what masteries would be best for the challenge. He’s running a Warder and my current plan is a Reaper. What do you all think the best mastery combo would be?

Infiltrator is my first thought.

Edit: Now I’m considering Pierce Blademaster instead.

Do aura skills(like Censure and Veil of Shadows) count as passives?
A blademaster would be a good bet, Infiltrator if auras are allowed.

Edit: I would recommend against the Reaper if you plan to finish ultimate as they are on the squishy side and with these rules, I do not see it doing all that well in ultimate.

I actually started this thread because I was considering Blademaster instead of Reaper. The passives are just too fantastic in Soldier. I looked at Inquisitor, but I eventually threw out the mastery entirely because it only has two abilities a melee can use. It’s a different story if I wanted to go DW ranged, though. It’s tougher to choose than I first thought.

Auras count as passives and are allowed. I was considering some kinda of Aura build, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it.

Are semi passive such as Word of Renewal and Pneumatic Burst not allowed? I personally treat them as passives but if they are not allowed then that changes things. Then I would recommend a death knight.

To my knowledge they are not allowed because they would require you to hit things that aren’t auto attack during battle. Permanent buffs only. I hadn’t considered DK… That would be interesting.

I’m gonna suggest a blademaster/tactician aura build or a deathknight/commando pseudo-retaliation build and make it as tanky as possible

Retaliation Warlord. So just wait for expansion :rolleyes:

How about little exploit-tanky pets:D I was thinking can you fit in Arcanist somehow?I like that class passives especially sphere of protection combine with aura RR of nightblade and then add Shard of Asterkan cold aura,double Coldstone also.Maybe Nemesis relic and Heart of the mountain amulet.You can have full bar of passive toggles;)

I vote death knight too.

You can max reaping strike and necrotic edge. It has passive RR and lots of life steal if you take harbinger of soul. Soldier has field command, menhir will, counter strike, more wps and fighting spirit.