Heya I always end up deleting my saves every update, just beat cronley in ult with my spellbinder and feeling pretty unkillable with my devotions as they are now. Once I get my proper resist augments and the recipes to better components unlocked I wanna switch to more offensive devos that are actually aether related. Skills wise I think I have done pretty well maxed all the offensive stuff just taking time to pump some points into Maiven’s and MoT now.
Here’s my build: Spellbinder, Level 86 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
I have 94515 sheet DPS right now and feels plenty for main campaign bosses. What devos do you guys play with aether ray? Whilst levelling I found that I really needed scales to manage the energy cost and a bunch of devos to maintain max cast speed which makes it really awkward to grab stuff with %aether damage attached.
I haven’t tried playing this build without wendigo so don’t know if it’s needed or maybe even dryad or bat or something would be a better way to sustain would love some devo recommendations. If anyone knows some good faction gear or an easy MI I am missing right now that I could be using please let me know!
Ah okay I can see why time dilation makes sense for mirror and MoT but why ghoul?
I was thinking maybe something like this = Spellbinder, Level 86 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
No idea if korvaak is any good never used it just wanted the %all damage on there.
if the goal is Claorvoyant binder just use your end devo already
with decent item setup/resist coverage etc it should be fine at your level already
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I was considering below devotion setup as my target:
However i think to try below setup instead:
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Right so both of you go for rattosh ngl completely forget that devotion even had anything to do with aether only ever used it on vit builds for the -res. Why is it good on aar build is it the nodes or the damage on the proc? Also does that - life leech res stack with haunt?
Devotions bound to best proc korvaak and rattosh I take it are maybe haunt and ill omen?
Chains of Ygraad convert 45-55% of vitality to aether
Ring of Tawrot converts 20-30% of vitality to aether.
So if you have these two items, roughly 3/4 of your vitality damage from Rattosh and Scales is aether.
Each devotion has different % chance to trigger, depending which skill you bind it to. So try for yourself which works best for you.
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Yeh that makes sense I didn’t look to closely at the gear because I don’t have any of those items yet. I thought that didn’t look like a lot of damage but grimtools doesn’t show scaling it seems and with conversion it would definitely not be negligible. Thank you for explaining your reasoning I much prefer finding out why a particular thing is good instead of just blindly following a guide this will be good knowledge for future chars.