Always Show Double Rares

Hey there!
Since there is an option for Only Show Double Rares, I think there should be also one for ‘Always Show Double Rares’. For example we could turn on Monster infrequents and turn off Rare setting. But with Always Show Double Rares option we would still get the double rares from the Rare section turned off.

Double rates are so rare already that this is a non-issue. Double rare non-MIs are not filling your screen. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, well that’s exactly why I want this option. Since they’re so rare I do not want to miss them. Simple Rares are flooding the screen and I’d like to turn them off, but If I do it, I miss every double Rare, which I’d like to still get. But I also want to get Monster Infrequents, and I can’t have both at the same time, see all the double rares and monster infrequents. At the moment I have to choose between one or the other.

should be easy to implement from a dev perspective, it is just a matter of adding an option in the loot filter where the logical operator “or” is replaced with “and”

if( (prefix == rare) or (suffix == rare))


if( (prefix == rare) and (suffix == rare))

Huge +1 to this. Would make life easier for everyone, especially newer players.

This is a nice idea. Not sure if this has been fixed but the issue of not being able to filter out magic affix MI so that only MI with at least one rare affix are seen is more important.

Well I did a +60k lines of code in C++ for my phd thesis

Always Show Double Rares

Yes, please!

+1 to this.

For rares, I only want to see double rare non-MI’s and MI’s with at least one rare, and the filter options right now won’t allow me to do that.

If it’s a double rare on an MI, then Zantai’s face pops out of the corner of the screen saying “Toasty!”

Since I used to be a DoTA player, a “holy shit!!” would work for me as well.

I would like that. I would also be awesome to be able to tell it is a double rare by looking at it in case I have both “always see double rates” and “see rares” switched on. A lot of people have asked for a way to identify things easier in this game but it has been passed on for reasons “we tested it in early access”. I would like to be able to easily identify an MI and a double rare. I cannot memorize all the affixes and MIs.

+1 I would like to have the exact same option. Pretty sad it’s not available atm.

Let’s get this into the upcoming QoL update


yeah, that would be really awesome, if this got implemented. Seems like such an easy checmark to add too(who knows though haha, the engine is prob very complicated)