An option to toggle Buff visuals off

Can we get an option to disable the little circling orbs and auras around your character from all the buffs we have active? I play a Cabalist and all the auras that get applied from the Masteries and items got really obnoxious halfway through Normal.

Maivan’s Sphere is probably the worst offender for this, making me seriously consider giving up on all that damage absorption just so I can actually see my character.

I was having troubles seeing the enemy at all, once spells start flying, and Inquisitor Seal was down. Things just white out.

Now this won’t solve your issue, but turning off post processing does lessen the effect of all the over lapping spells, so at least you can see through them better.

Yeah, I can totally understand you…My Spellbinder dissappers nearly completely behind all the buffs and auras.
For some reason the issue got worse with the expension (at last I think so). Especially Maivan’s Sphere is far less translucent now. Let’s hope hope they offer a fix of some sort in the coming patches because looks like this can’t be intentional…

Yeah I really hope they’ll either give us an option to turn of the visuals of toggled buffs or at last seriously turn down the visuals, like they did with all the component-auras.
Looks like these can’t be intentional (at last I hope so)…

I’ve asked 2 years ago for then for a way to remove Maiven’s sphere visual… no response.

It still baffles me how is it in the game yet, that thing is absurdly awful.

+5 evasion due to the enemy not being able to see you any better than you can see yourself. :wink:

Delving deep into the Eldritich realm of power, your character slowly lost his humanity and turned into a big blue Aetherial wisp ball.

Your next task will be to follow people passively on multiplayer and tricks them into thinking that they brought the supporter pack dlc.

I actually replaced some of the more obnoxious fx files with empty ones or less obstrusive ones. It’s not a mod because it overrides the files and it of course doesn’t work in multiplayer for other players. But a way to officially turn these off or tune them down would be very much appreciated. Maviens hamsterball is I think the worst offender, but all the skull particles of necromancers are also pretty bad. (This game has a lot of effects using that skull texture in general, someone must like it :slight_smile: )

What I don’t get is, why they had to use the floating skulls on two different auras. The combination of Spectral Wraths floating skulls and Master of Deaths ghosts looks rather dreadful. Just split the visual up, that means use the greenish fog on Spectral Wrath and the skulls on Harbinger of Souls.

You can try renaming the fx.arc file in your Grim Dawn/resources directory, but that will remove all fx and not just your own.

I agree the fx can be a bit much on the character when you get enough buffs. I remember having several shields active, Maivens, Turtle Shell and I think one of the prismatic shields and it’s just silly. The character just becomes a white spot on the screen. I’m not sure there’s much that can be done at this point though.

This seems relevant here

As Asylum said, nothing much can be done at this point it is very bothersome when many effects are up