An Update on v0.9.2 Development

looking forward :saluting_face:

I really appreciate the communication on this! Looks like some really great changes on the horizon.

Along with the combat update - are there any plans to prevent villagers from going outside the town to fight? Currently, my number one problem is once my town center is filled up, the remaining villagers nearby will all start going outside the walls to fight raiders, leaving me to constantly micro them back into town or let them fight and probably die. I would prefer they avoid seeking combat and do it only as a necessity (they are attacked first or ordered to attack). Or at the very least, stay behind the wall and the the soldiers/guard towers fight.


Great, I’m looking forward to it, so how do I get a 0.92 playtest

Awesome. If there was a commander feature it would be great. There will be additional officer training schools that require a number of books, gold,… and take a lot of time to train. The commander will increase a certain type of stats for soldiers and only trained people will be added to the barracks. Each barracks will have a commander and will attack raiders with soldiers.
Imagine a commander riding a horse and urging his soldiers to defend. That’s great.

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Hello, I think your game is already great, but I have a few questions and suggestions.

Are elements such as moats or drawbridges planned? I would be very happy about this additional option.
Basically, I would also be happy about any option for the fortification upgrade. Walls become more stable and can be upgraded not only from wood to stone but also by height and thickness, towers become higher and even hold 4 or 6 archers, the castle not only holds more soldiers but also gets additional defense towers or the like through upgrades. Maybe even different tower and castle types to use them as needed (surveillance, storage for soldiers, defensive bulwark on the front line or an encampment for short missions).
Experience levels according to “length of service” would also be great to avoid the option of using all soldiers as laborers for 1.5 years after attacks until they are quickly turned back into soldiers shortly before the attack after 2 years.

I would also like to see a lot more options and easier handling of terrain adjustments.

I wish you continued success with the realization


Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Huge news, guys, ty!

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This is the only game I’ve ever purchased ‘early access’ and I’m so glad I have; it’s amazing! Best city builder I’ve played.

Im a pacifist player, as i find the raids interrupt my building too much and the raider camps interrupt my exploration - maybe the combat update will change my mind though!

One additonal option I think would be beneficial, if selecting pacifist, would be to disable raiders and camps only, but keep wolves and bears, as a harvestable resource…

Keep up the amazing work and I cant wait to see what else you bring to the game!


Very excited for these new systems to come in!!! the combat was definitely the biggest section of the game that left me wanting, really impressed with the design! And I love the item request option for the traders, but my one addendum would be: can we also post items For Sale that traders will definitely buy? I like to do the harsher environments but it’s frustrating to have 5000 coal (or whatever) stocked up to sell only to have a decade go by before someone actually will buy it, and then they only have like 1k gold. It would be more effective to be able to set items “for sale” so traders coming in will know what we have in stock. Thank you!


I definitely aprove that, it would be really handy.

Also, a QOL improvement for large settlements would be that when a trader arrives and we click on the trader and the trader items window appear, that the position on the map do NOT go to the trader building position, so many times I’m focusing on budling stuff far away from that position and then I have to scroll all the way back to where I was, it’s pointless to center the map on the trader building since we can do all trading in the window without leaving the map position we are currently.


Perfect :))

cant agree anymore!!!!!!!

It’s already the 17th today. May I know when exactly 092 will be updated? Don’t wait any longer

As said in the OP:


I think the ability to build a simple wooden bridge/path/pontoon/pier type thing to cross water would be fantastic. It would help alleviate the mild gripe of having to path around a large lake just to access the resources on the other side!

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This would definitely pump up the game options and interest, sadly dev’s have already said it was not in the first oficial release pipeline, and if released at all that would be a DLC option after release.

There are great bridges built in the medieval times:

I particularly like this one as it could combine defense towers as they are so similar to what we have in FF:

It would, but

Yes I saw that update, but I was wondering if just a simple, basic wooden bridge for crossing only (not for defense purposes) was possible without any massive changes needed. No worries, guess it’ll be something to look forward to in a DLC at some point!

At the moment we can only make walls in straight lines, will it be possible to make rounded walls soon? :star_struck:


Would be great to come as new map types; Lowland Rivers, Alpine Rivers, and Arid Rapids