An Update on v0.9.2 Development


A post was merged into an existing topic: Farm maintenance is not reducing weed levels

A post was merged into an existing topic: Little glitch, the cows’ grazing area overlaps

A post was split to a new topic: Barracks limited to 12 instead of 24

A post was split to a new topic: Goats and chicken staff do not auto refill

Will we be getting a mini map to quickly navigate corner to corner?


Yes, a mini-map will be coming at some point.


Thank you for the great work!
There will be the possibility to automatically select the unit type of each military company separately?

Thanks a lot!

Great work, guys.
Wouldn’t it be nice to select my people by framing with the mouse,like managing the walls… So I would drive more than one person to give them a task to go to?
Best regards

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Devs one thing all defences and including aminities have a circular range…then please let us construct circular walls to protect our base…also ckickens goats and horses are not worth the outcome compared to cows…and it would be amazing if we could actually go capture wild animals and domesticate them instead of always buying them from a merchant…and i see villagers taking out carts…can we have a manufacturing units for carts? also defence is tougher now and getting your troops defencive matters, but the fact that they loose their gear on death is a little tough on casual players like me. Please consider these suggestions, I love this game and mean no offence to you or anyone else. I would love to see future enhancements and hope this project becomes bigger than AOE/AOM. Wishing you the best.

Thank you,
Tim BG


and from me, i spent oround 80h playing the branch

  • as someone told, chickens or goats are not worth to have, to little food.
  • after the attack please add a button to rebuild everyting not one by one
  • add more items for church
  • add more defense units

So I was waiting on either this patch or Stardew Valley’s patch for a fresh new replay and Stardew came first, but the fact that this is taking some time after announcement means it’s going to be both big and working pretty well, so looking forward to it as much as I can with the distraction of Stardew Valley 1.6 :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing I will say is that it would feel bad to request an item that the trader was already going to bring anyway. (I haven’t played for some months, I don’t know if it’s possible to see in advance what a trader will bring.) If it’s possible to see what a trader will bring, that would solve the issue, and then a more advanced feature would be to request more or less quantity of specific items. That would be a very desirable mechanic. If it’s not possible to see in advance, I think personally I would prefer a mechanic closer to Banished, where you communicate with specific traders when they arrive to have them bring specific items next time. That worked quite well, and also in a way created a sense of relationship with specific traders. (Although it also felt bad to continue to have traders visit who you didn’t care for, but still they come anyway.)

I think I will probably very rarely request an item if I don’t know if they would bring it anyway or not, because it would feel bad to possibly pay a premium for no reason. I would have to be desperate.

Game Guide
wouldn’t it be helpful to update the game guide. So we can read about the new features. Especially in managing soldiers, how to build different troops and so on?

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