Anatomy of Murder - in line with other passives?

I think, that´s exaggerated. I won´t say anything about thematic value and uniqueness because this is a very subjective thing, but new players not attracted to Nightblade? Well, take a look at the numbers for downloads, views, etc. in Dmt´s Dervish thread, in the bunch of Infiltrator threads and so on…


Those views were from before the nerfs. And I’m not saying it’s totally unattractive. Just less. Imo much less.

Imagine a noob asking, hey I heard nightblades are super strong against humans, they’re those badass assassins, right? And imagine their reaction when told, no, on most builds now you get get more racial to humans from a single devotion or a non-myth medal unless you misplay your skillpoints. If someone likes dw they’ll still take it. Just less reason to like it, now.

But as you said, subjective.

Sure, because every new player now sees the insane display of Fire Warlocks, etc. :slight_smile:

And which Devotion gives Damage against Humans other than Blades of Wrath, a Piercing devotion for Pierce Nightblades which will invest a lot of points in AoM for Cunning and get (with Devotion) 30 % against Humans?

Ah yes, that incredibly common dilemma that every new GD player has to worry about.

Your irony is still a few percent out of LINE with Ceno’s in the scale pointlessness. Better ask Z for some buffs, man.

Exactly my point. Pierce (that was best known for the proverbial evaporating humanoids in 0.5 seconds courtesy of long nerfed Notched Boned Belgo) is more or less fine in this aspect.

Which doesn’t change the fact that Valdun purifier with non-myth Blood medal has more racial to humans than Deathmarked. But this is getting old. Nightblade is no longer the anti-human mastery it once was, and you can’t argue with that. If devs and playtesters say that’s the intent, fine, I yield.

Pierce and (sometimes) Bleed still are. Pierce a little more than Bleeding, but still.

Hm, thinking of it…isn´t that exactly fitting thematically? :thinking:

I’ve had quite a few new people asking me about which mastery to choose, etc. and a lot of them expected “assassins” and “dual whield melee” and “high dps” or “hit and run with burst damage” playstyle out of a nightblade, but I’ve literally never heard anyone say this part “I heard nightblades are super strong against humans” or even ask about that. Most new players don’t care/know at all about %racial damage. Once they find out they are like “hey that’s a nice bonus/cool theme”, but that’s it. People are not gonna stop playing nightblades because of less dmg vs humans, especially new players.

New players might not even think about killing humans since the game advertises about aetherials and chthonics (rightfully) so heavily lmao.

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You’re wrong. Every player wants to bang the Cronley’s gang :rofl:

Imagine seeing an arpg featuring hideous abominations from the void and spooky energy beings that can possess you and warp your flesh and saying to yourself “that’s cool and all but I wonder if there are HUMANS in this game that I can kill. Boy, I hate humans”. I mean, Titan Quest didn’t have human enemies until Ragnarok and people liked the game just fine.

If anything I’d picture it more like “Ah, hello wonderful Chthonian sir, I tip my hat to you before horribly disembowling you. A good day…”

Then around the corner, one dude with a molotov. “FFFFFFFF, HUMANS!? I THOUGHT I WAS SAFE. I WENT HERE TO ESCAPE SOCIAL INTERACTIONS.”

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Out of curiosity has anyone ever asked that?

I know that I didn’t when I first got the game. All I saw was the Dual Wielding aspect of it and didn’t even know about racial dmg until months into the game…

Most new players don’t really know that there are different races that can be dealt more or less damage due to racial damage.

But yes, my comment is the pointless one. I suppose you don’t want to get things fixed, then.

Guys, I think we should honestly stop. I mean no disrespect to either parties but this really sounds like an exaggeration.

The dev clearly toning down all racial damage in the game to alleviate the upcoming power creep without destroying any builds, and I totally get that. We get so many conversion that open up a lot of interesting build. However it makes an already synergistic mastery to be even more synergized. I also believe adjusting racial damage across the board is a correct choices to subtly keep some builds in check.

Bleed is another issues though because they can’t have any conversion and the only viable options of them is bloodrager, thus I can understand rhylthar frustration. Perhaps opening up some options for bleed can satisfy you? :wink:

Now we should move on to other more pressing matters:

Nothing can satisfy my hunger for Blood!

In earnest:
I wrote a PM to Crate/Zantai with a few suggestions. I am a little bit tired because I really wanted to make some sensible suggestions but this thread was (again) de-railed with exaggerations, assumptions, whatever…Popcorn stuff. :popcorn:

Sure some new options would be more than nice but in the meanwhile, I will take what I have. So in the next weeks, I will test some MEME-builds and see how they perform. Expect things like Bleeding Vindicator, Dervish, Ritualist and - and I am really curious about this - Druid. Then I will have a bleeding build with every available mastery. :yum:

I said the nerf was bad because I felt like it changed the mastery for worse for no reason. Then you and the others called me a few names, picked a few lines to ridicule, but no-one mentioned a single reason why the nerf might have been good. Finally, you said that the nerf was great because nightblades evaporate humans and kill human nemeses in 2 seconds. Actually, you didn’t have to say that, it’s obvious stuff, we’ve seen Superfluff’s Belgo.

Thing is, nightblades did indeed evaporate humans but that was due to the synergy between things like Notched Bone, Blades of Wrath, pre-nerf Deathmarked gear, bleeding gear, etc. And all those things had already been nerfed many times over. 194 posts later still no-one brought up a single example of a build that would so oupiedly evaporate humans to warrant taking away 2/3rd or 3/4th of AoM’s racial for the mainstream acid and cold. (Yes, 2/3rd or 3/4th, I used to have 25-30%, now I got 7-8%)

And my real problem was not the nerf itself, which I actually support (yeah, I said that, I even proposed alternative scaling), but the sheer size of it blown out of proportion in order to satisfy an arbitrary and imo a bit capricious premise that unrelated passives on unrelated masteries be lined up. This is my opinion.

The rest was you calling me batshit crazy. So how is it not pointless? Wanna make a point than maybe gimme that human evaporating op build. Maybe also a vid of such evaporation if you really wanna show who’s who.

Dude, it’s not my job to defend my decisions to you. Could be like most developers and just have you deal with whatever we throw your way without a word.

It can be your job however to present your case as to how our changes hurt a build to the point where it’s unplayable, which you have not done so far. Instead, you opted to resort to extreme (laughably extreme) statements such as “nightblades are dead, ALL OF THEM”.

Given that this thread is now at almost 200 replies and absolutely nothing of value has emerged from it, I am going to lock it. If someone has legitimate concerns about a build’s performance and can present your reasons, please do so in a new thread.

Bleeding Tricksters really enjoyed getting Humans in SR 60+. 60 % more against Humans…even if Guthook would have been already nerfed it would have been 48 %.