Animal bug

Animals will not reproduce. It’s been several years and no change. Tried resetting game, turning production on/off, and moving the buildings.

No chance to buy more animals yet

Can you send screenshots of your animal building’s window? It may help with figuring it out

Buying another cow fixed the cow barn. But no goats have been traded. Also having an issue with NO chickens being brought a single time.

What the red text of the birth rate is telling you is that the birth rate is definitely lower than what it could potentially be per year under the current conditions. Given you’ve gotten them fully staffed, it will have to do with the low chance RNG of your current animal population.

I believe it’s a population of 5 animals with adequate workers for 5 animals that will get you green text guaranteeing 1 birth per year. Adequate workers plus 6-9 animals have that same RNG to give you 2 births that year (thought it will still say “~1”).
After you have 5 animals, have as few workers as you can with the Birth Rate text in green, and check to see if it’s gone red after the year’s births to see if you need to increase it.