Anouther thread bites the dust

Here’s an idea; we should all keep posting new threads for updates on the key roll out seeing how high we can get the post counts before they are inevitably closed.

I know many of you will say, Illious that’s a terrible idea; but hear me out.

This could be Crates ‘Jack Keane: Fire Within’ style fiasco; so blown out of any sense of proportion with inherent frustration and troll bating that it stops being truly tragic and transforms into being tragically memorable.

Think about it, years from now as you reminisce with your fully playable DRM-free version you will look back and have a light sentimental chuckle to yourself…

'That game, lol that had the worst release ever and we were all clambering over each others posts in our never ending thirst for updates ‘twas like that crappy Day Z movie where the zombies climb that great wall of Isreal and it just kept getting worse. So bad it truly became ludicrous, perhaps even a bit surreal.’ :smiley:

It has already been blown way out of proportion, no point adding to that.

haha I think it has already reached surreal grade status. It’s got everything I mean nothing else could happen!.. right?! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not “mad” anymore lol I’m just amazed, yes it is something of memorable caliber to be archived in the Human specie’s logbook! :smiley:

And lol @ Day Z I just had to make a post in the new thread to pile on the wall a bit more fighting some misguidance! Also another movie with a freak dog-wingless-dragon for the title only: The NeverEnding Story XD!

That show was such a rip off, blatant false advertising.
What were there… 3 movies, then bam gone.
It simply wrote a check it new it would never be able to cash.
Flight of the Navigator in those days was good though.

Flight of the navigator was my fav movie as a kid. I watch that movie probably every week. One of the few i liked to watch more than once a year. Like Robin Hood Men in Tights.