Any BFME II fans out there?

Maybe I’m alone in this, but I’m getting strong nostalgia/vibes of Battle for Middle Earth II from Farthest Frontier.

Might be the visual similarities, or the building of fortress walls and defensive points, but it feels like the village builder version of BFME II that I always wanted.

I expected that the team behind Grim Dawn would do a solid job, but so far Farthest Frontier is far exceeding those expectations.

You’ll be happy to know that Crate is working on a Grim Dawn themed RTS that will come out in a few years. More likely than not they will use the Middle Earth games for creative inspiration.

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Really?!? :open_mouth::exploding_head:

Here is everything we know / Crate is willing to divulge so far:

They are currently building the game engine for it so it’ll be a while. We also have a (I think) Grim Dawn themed survival horror game that is the next title coming down the pipe.

Awesome! I am happy to wait, got so much Farthest Frontier to play in the meantime :wink: thanks for the link :+1:

Don’t know anything about the horror survival game yet.