Any up to date Albrecht's Aether Ray builds ?

Hello ,

can’t reallly find any + up to date Albrecht’s Aether Ray builds ?

anyone playing one atm that has some feedbback like calc and some early on leveling tips ?

thanks !

I have a ray guy at lv40 right now if you want any details. No promises if he will be good in 2nd and 3rd runs! But for now, he melts EVERYTHING before the 3sec shield wears off

what level do you have the ray at and how is energy management with the new patch?

I know before, energy mangement & damage output was not easy at early levels.

you can always post what you lvled as till ray , tho i always tought that RAy was not good until you had like voidance set ? before that it was kinda crap , but post gear / calc :slight_smile:

It’s not like the ray is not good, it does the most absurd damage with minimal gear, but the trade offs are equally absurd energy cost (it’s simply impossible to raise your energy regen up to 1000/s, even 300/s is challenging) and the defense issues (because of the skill’s nature, you lose DPS if you attempt to kite).

There’s no way you’ll have mana to kill trash monsters with ray, so you have to grab something for AOE. And no, single devastation won’t cover your needs, because it’s cooldown is just too large.

Arcane Lens into amulet, ectoplasm into head/rings/medal. Head/Chest has to be caster gear for energy regen. On the devotion side get Widow and maybe Imp, then collect energy regeneration: Candle, Lantern, Dryad, left wing of Scales, maybe Owl as well. For defense definitely get Turtle, then maybe Lion and hp nodes from Targo, then I dunno, maybe behemoth.

Another issue I haven’t mentioned yet is that it’s very possible to kill yourself with reflect in less than 2 seconds. That’s one of the reasons I find Blast Shield invaluable for AAR.

does anything change for this build with ?

AAR at later levels consume less energy than used to.

I started with lots of points in replicating missile. At about lv19, just before warden, I took all points out of that for a mastery boost and 3 in the ray. Basically I had inner focus 12/12, 3 in ray, 9/12 in flash freeze, and the rest in the mastery bar.

Looked like this:

For devotions, I rushed Solael’s witchblade and took the chaos modifier in the ray:’s_Witchblade
This gives -chaos, -fire resistance to virtually everything on your screen and does a ton of damage. It’s perfect for the ray

First tier 3 constellation planned is abomination:

For energy regen, by far the most important thing is to steal the amulet for this quest:

This amulet is INSANE and gives you the energy regen to spam the ray much more freely. right now im lv42 and just took my first mastery points into occultist

As for lv85 items I have no idea what even exists as I don’t have anyone there yet

well trying a shaman / arcanist build , not occultist / arc

I dont think it will be much different. I only took a few occultist skill points for more chaos damage. Almost all of it is just in mastery. So you will be tankier and actually better in the long run, idk

Are you using the chaos modifier? The devotion abilities seemed to synergize better with it to me

Oh man, I can’t believe I haven’t posed here!! :slight_smile:

I love my Battlemage AAR guy :slight_smile:

Yes you do need devastation for some quick superpack clear, but you can easily just hold aar to clear packs if you really want.

If you want, PM me and I’ll get back to you when I’m home and free to give you a write up of how I set him up.

Its lvl 85 now, and just killed the sentinal. Using her to farm ulti when I want stuff.

Spell rotation is something along the lines of:
Devastation, mirror, off, BEAM BEAM BEAM BEAM BEAM, off again if needed.

Valdun’s scepter makes the cooldowns on mirror and devastaiton really quick, and depending on your skill you can change yo the spell rotation depending on the threat:
1 or no hearoes: Devastation, off, BEAM BEAM BEAM BEAM, off, BEAM BEAM BEAM. and only use mirror if you need.
2 heroes or very great threat: same as initial rotation.

Still single post your build please :slight_smile:

this is what i was building


im totally new to this game. and I have no idea where to invest my devotion points. can someone tell me where to spend devotion points in regard to this build?