I’m trying really hard to make channeled skills without success.
Aka channeled chain lightning or channeled flamethrower… The only template that seems to work as channeled skill is the skill_attackspellbeam. But that gives us a beam on which it’s impossible (I think?) to attach chain lightning procs or similar.
But it doesn’t have to be a a projectile like channeled skill. I’ve had probs making any kind of attack that could function as channeled.
I haven’t tried yet but I was planning to make 2 lasers for my mod. One actually was going to use the chain lightning thing, if that doesn’t work…then that sucks lol. I’m guessing it might be another complex issue where the beam isn’t triggering the “secondary” effect, which is weird since it works with melee or ranged. Will give it a shot right now and see.
Edit: yep, I tried a few things, nothing works from what I can tell. Projectile burst (like PRM), fork lightning, chain lightning… nothing triggers from the ray.
What about a channeled skill that then includes the other templates? Crate uses 2 or 3 DBR files to make complex skills, I am pretty sure it can be done with a proper template inheritance.
Problem is finding what works with what. And I’m still not sure how skillchanneled template is supposed to function since I haven’t found an existing skill that uses it.
Not really an “answer” but have you played with this at all? records\skills\base_template skills has skill_skillchanneled.dbr which is sort of an empty implementation of a channeled skill. I’m assuming it has the “important stuff” in use. aetherray1.dbr inherits SkillChanneled.tpl and skill_attackspellbeam.tpl - they are definitely separate.
I feel your pain, been working all day trying to make my skill work.
It’s a Projectile Orbiting-type.
I think I’m using the correct template, for what I’m trying to do but the skill just won’t work for me… I went to the store and bought energy drinks… gonna try to figure this out…
Basically, I want to have 4 Ice Orbs orbit around me and follow me.
They should also remain around me for an amount of time and disappear until the cooldown come back but right now it’s only casting 4 projectiles forward and only the first one hit the enemies. It also consume ‘mana’ for each projectiles casted instead of once for the spell but I think that’s pretty cool actually, allow to use the spell when short on resource.
I need to figure out why it’s not orbiting around me and why only the first projectiles hit targets.
This is so weird…
I wish you goodluck and I will also probably move to another spell for now
It get frustrating working sometimes… I wish we had more information about the properties.
The orbiting projectile thing is actually not that hard to do since there are existing skills like it. I think I had something like that working… will try it out again later.
But that should be another thread, let’s focus on Channeled skills here
Not sure if that can help you figure something out but I was thinking about it before going to sleep…
What if you could make the damage of the beam explosive?
Once it would come into contact with something it would act as a “width” with the explosive damage.
Any progress with the channeled spells?
I’m trying to make a channeled Freezing Breath spell (Cone AOE channeled skill)
and so far nothing have worked for me.
The only skill I knew who was channeled outside beam was Devastation but they reworked the skill and they didn’t keep the old template (or maybe they did and I can’t find it!?).
If you know where we can find that template, we might get a lot of information from it!
Maybe we ask a Dev for it!
Or they could also reply to more threads, haha!
I’ve been playing with the idea again yesterday with no luck. skillchanneled template is a mystery that eludes me and I found nothing resembling a channeled spell besides beams.
I’m slowly losing faith in a flamethrower. What’s funny is that there’s an unused flamethrower skill in the Demo folder which also uses the beam template and it’s kind of broken…
So yeah maybe even the devs just said screw it lol
Then we need the Dev to notice this thread and tell us how they previously had Devastation working.
It’s the only channeling skill I know. And it was removed…