Anyone else finding the expansion brutally hard?

I try not to make posts that are just whining about things, but I’ve died over 2 dozen times in the expansion so far. Enemy damage is so cataclysmically high that they’re blowing right through 2200 armor, 2600 DA, and capped resists on a shield-based soldier build and dropping me in less than 2 seconds. I’m not sure what else I could even do to take less damage.

I haven’t seen a lot of discussion on this, though. How are you faring in the xpack? What are you doing to stay alive?

Im using a Trickster and until i found level 90 gear, it was hell. I just attacked and run away all the time. Specially crabs because they are lightning and cold resistan, which are my main damage type. Also, I still cant comlete Steps of Torment on ultimate, maybe one day…:rolleyes:

Diferent characters do different. My spellbinder use Torment mark+miror combo with 50% CDR, thats how he achived immortality :stuck_out_tongue: Purifier use phyz res gear, including siedgebreacker. Didnt yet leveled other, but i dont expect much troubles.

I would make a post against this but it seems to be retaliation against the extremely OP builds out there. Not sure how much they suffer but some of the new content isn’t exactly a breeze like Mad Queen and Old Nemesis Co. were
I think only Aleksandr is on the same level as old monsters if you can read his movements. But Grava is hard and Kupacabra needs a nerf

Even the final boss, other uniques and some monster packs can easily trigger Circuit Breakers if you’re not careful.

I won’t even bother commenting on Ravager. He is stupidly hard, but he’s a Super Boss so I don’t want him changed.
Lastly if someone chooses to fight Ulgrim, he is said to be the toughest unique from what I heard

So yeah the content is hard, should they tone it down? Maybe. Will they? Doubtful.
My opinion on the matter? Besides Chupacabra I think things are more or less imaginable. I have died to others but they were new enemies about whom I had no idea about. Kupa is just outright stupid

I don’t think anyone besides my Sorc should be tanky enough for this content. I haven’t tried that build on new content yet. But have you actually tested your siegebreaker build on the new content yet? I am curious how good shield builds are against this content. Currently I am playing a glass build (glass when compared to this content, tanky when compared to vanilla)

I somehow agree to this. I’m still yet to find a single new legendary that fits any of my strong toons. The strongest one I have, now lvl100 Ultos Warder, dies quite a lot, though having ~2600 da, 2750+OA, almost capped resists, tons of phys resist and 19/12 Wendigo totem.

It seems to me that physical damage is the issue, and you just need that new shiny high-armor gear. But that’s just a guess, as I mentioned before I have not equipped any of it yet.

Chopping mobs like wood with my melee druid. Using totem only on big bosses, never felt a need to use mirror. Closest skirmish for me was in Harbour, in Black Iron docks during Malmouth Resistance quest. Had move couple of feet to the side because I wasn’t seeing all the shit I was standing in and my hp was going down pretty fast. I think with Mythical gear I would just steamroll everything without a need of popping a Totem (except Nemeses fights).

My guess is that expansion content is easier for hard hitting characters with good defense and sustain and probably hard for hard hitting glacier builds, because mobs have too much hp to cut through even with maxed damage/rr before they get to you. I am loving the dificulty tho, perfectly balanced imo.

Nope, it’s the DOT. Running a 84% + 21% poison res Witchblade, with 2700DA. Some of the flowers can sometimes put a 1000+ poison DOT on me like it was no big deal.
The fat Aetherial dudes deal insane burning DOT, usually 500-700 even with same overcapped fire resistance, not to mention those aetherial whirwinds with constant life reduction.
With new level cap and legendaries, I feel that the game is balancing around 85% resistance with about 30% overcapped, not the old 70-80%. Be careful :eek:

Yeah I feel like DoT’s are a big part of it, especially the poison ones. It also seems like there’s more or less constant resist reduction going on which isn’t helping.

And then there’s that Chthonic boss at the Altar of Rattosh. I have yet to last more than 10 seconds against that monstrosity, he’s might as well be the Avatar of Mogdrogen for how hard he hits.

DA reduction is also scaled up, can easily go up to 300-400.
I find it weird that there is currently no threads about Benjar’s cooler cousin, he’s like Zantarin with a homing attack and no cooldown.

Yep, the content is harder because of all the resist reduction, but i had not too much trouble beating at least the story bosses with my SB Cadence WB without any gear upgrades, but it certainly felt alot harder than the content before.

It certainly was not mindlessly blitz into any pack of mobs and facetank anything anymore though.

Should be called ashes of brutes lmao, seriously they are everywhere

My Bleeding Trickster has a hard time in AoM.

I know now why RR is so important because on some mobs my damage is annoying without it.

The hardhitters give me a headache; normally I would use Hit-and-Run. With bleeding dots over 150k this isn´t a problem…if I could out-run them. But I can´t…Grava and a few other enemies are faster than me or there is no space to move.

I invested in Devouring Swarm (with Falcon Swoop) and Grasping Vines (with Rend). In Vanilla, that was nice-to-have to soften up groups of enemies. At the moment without it I would die really often (more than i do now…).

I planned my build with all resistances capped (minus Stun), but they are not overcapped. Ideally I will have 2500 DA, 1500 Armor with 98 % absorption. And a few Nightblade/Component tricks to lower OA…we´ll see if I can stand up against the new nemesis.

I dont know how aneone can say that Alexander is on the same level as old Nemesis - i died on him like 15+ times till i kill him with my Warborn Cadence WB with pre-AoM gear.

That is while at the same time i farm Grava`Thul with rarely dying on him.

Alexander is an a-hole - his damage is insane but i think the more crystals he has on the ground the more dmg he does or something?

Anyway - he needs a nerf, Grava is OK, dont know about Monster Nemesis.

Yeah it’s definitely no joke, at least for me. But even though I’m getting my ass kicked, I feel that’s the way it should be on ultimate until you get at least some new shiny gear equipped. No point in hunting shiny gear if you destroy everything without it. One thing is certain. I may just end up asking for Nullification’s hand in marriage.

don’t nerf Aleksander, best nemesis, kthnxbai

All you need to do is get Aether resist and dodge the big meteor. That’s the fight.

As to the overall topic, a prevailing theme I’ve noticed from watching several streamers play the xpac is the aversion of players to tankier mobs. Golems, Servitors, Rylocks, and Titans seem to be giving people a lot of trouble. I think it’d be fine to do one or several of the below:

  • Open them up to Crowd Control (I believe all but Servitors are immune to CC)
  • Reduce their overall tankiness
  • Reduce the density of the packs they spawn in

What about the Reaper?

My favorite part of the Alex fight is the hitbox of the meteor. I love when it misses when it shouldn’t have it and it hits when it shouldn’t have. And 8,5k damage through 88% aether resist with 35% overcap, 2720 DA, 2800 armor and 31% physical resist.

Major tip: lure him into a place with a ceilling. And it’s gg.

On that list Regurgitator and Overseer should be the only ones nerfed they reduce max hp and cause real headache
Titans do lesser damage than Rage Hulks for some reason
Golems, Servitors and Ryloks, not sure if I have any particular problem with them

Also Ceno is right, dodge that meteor, his projectile shotgun and finally keep him away from his crystals. He is easy to bear
Kupa on the other hand

Look I like to play nice guy but the moment GrimTools got launched between choosing one single nemesis MI that I see no use of atm and shit-tons of convenient augments. I think the choice was obvious
I might do him on a second character but for now I am busy farming the final Super Boss for his complete set

He mostly spawns in such places which is why besides the first encounter he has yet to kill me :smiley:
But his movements are pretty crystal and it’s easy to guess what to dodge and tank. Grava is harder for me but I can still manage not dying to him. I still would like to know his exact action before the “Null” Bolt

We need a new item: Albrecht´s Instant Tent. Consumable, 10 minute cooldown. :wink:

I gotta ask how do Kupacabra and Grava even drop pant based MIs? I mean they weren’t wearing any, atleast I didn’t notice any

Also, Ceno you asked about the Reaper is it because he’s the nemesis I didn’t comment upon at all or because he’s ridiculously OP?

I dont know what you gus are talking about but I really find the xpac areas relatively easy… but then I have never did them new places to ultimate, guess I have to stop making new chars and continue the lvl 85 ones:rolleyes: