Anyone else seen this confused Black Legion Myrmidon at Fort Icon?

Gotta love this guy :confounded:, I think he dips into the Good-Stuff in the stores when no one is watching. I have encountered him a few times now and have a good chuckle every time. Not sure what triggers his delusion, but it seems to be when you get near the practice dummies by the steps of Fort Icon. He yells “Were under Attaaack!!!” and proceeds to start bashing ten tons of crap into a dummy.

I think Creed should give this guy a “Medal of Dedication”, or maybe send him home for some much needed rest and recuperation. :+1:


I still not have been able to identify the exact trigger that starts his non stop bashing of the dummy. It does however need the Myrmidon npc to be present though as sometimes the Black Legion guards are combat medics and others and it does not get the “We are under attack” vocalisation . If you go west from the Fort Icon rift gate and drag a few enemies to the east it does get the vocalisation, but normally they get killed. I tried dragging enemies from both west and east to trigger it.

I have an idea that it may be triggered by my Necromancer’s pets and actions somehow?

Will go back to my Necromancer and keep trying to find a 100% chance of triggering this .

It is really a comical highlight to sit back and watch this zealot go and infinitely attack a dummy.


Found a Fort Icon Deathmark that also goes berserk and starts attacking the practice dummies.
Once again, not sure what the trigger is.

Maybe - Creed had ordered him to do extra target practice due to his shoddy aim in combat as I see he likes to get very close to shoot after his first long ranged shot, could be in dire need of a good pair of glasses :pensive:

I’ve never noticed this. Will have to keep a look out

Yea, it is quite entertaining to watch.

There is some trigger or strange glitch in the code whereby some Fort Icon NPC’s every now and again deem the practice dummy to be an enemy and proceeds to attack it indefinitely, but they have no chance of killing it, bless their dedicated little hearts :grim_dawn:

It may well be some subtle bug hidden way down in the code somewhere and I have only seen it so far at Fort Icon with the Myrmidon and Deathmark NPC.

Hey, even if it is a bug - LEAVE IT ALONE - it does not cause any game breaking issues and is certainly a very amusing event to witness when it does trigger.

The Myrmidon is the best I have seen so far with his battle cry of “Were under Attaaack!!!” before his charge to the dummy, but watching this rifleman take a silent long range shot and then proceed to close in and keep firing at point blank range was also a great Grim Dawn moment.

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Hm, doesn’t anyone think they’re just doing training like all soldiers do? They are the Black Legion after all.

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That would be expected :crossed_swords:, Creed is a hard task master, but have you ever personally seen this reaction yourself in the game?

I only have encountered this on very rare occasions and have no idea what actually triggers the Black Legion conscripts to start this dummy attacking fatigue exercise.

As I said earlier, If it is actually some sort of bug, “please don’t fix it”, it is such a light hearted and refreshing highlight to watch when you do encounter it.

I think I’ve seen it out of the corner of my eye when going back and forth.

I’m all in favor of not fixing whatever is causing it as well, I love silly glitches like that. Hell, i wish there were more glitches. Any time I see one I think it’s awesome. One time in the Malmouth sewers I wound up on top of a collapsed pipe, and could walk along the pipe but couldn’t get off it.

To make it an even more awesome story, it occured in multiplayer, and everyone was like what the hell man how’d you get up there? And I’m like I don’t know man, but here’s a rift, come on up! And all of us stood there on the pipe, just laughing. I took some screen shots. I’ll post them in here later, maybe it’s happened to you too.

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I believe what triggered the attack on the dummy is that you accidentally deal damage to it which trick the AI into flagging it as a killable enemy.