Anyone want to help me improve this old OFF mageslayer? Please?

why do you want 22/12 OFF? The flat OA on Overload in next patch with your Dying God will give you crits for weeks. But just dump the points from overload back to OFF if you think its fun.

Yeah, Seal of Majt/Blejds you can fool around since you do not need conversion I basically wanted to change as few things as possible.

It’s hard to give up hitting the whole screen. Feel free to change as much as you like, except I guess I’d prefer max OFF just for the fun factor. Everything else meh.

I think stoneplate greaves will probably give this build a fuckton of room to breath, though the 10% reduced enemy dmg from the current boots is handy too.

sure its fun to freeze screen, I admit that.

What affixes do you need/want on stoneplate? something with stun res?
What did you think about devos?
I think you can go Sylvarra on Rings/Amulet since 1) you need acid res 2) you have decent DA and also OA shred on Veil of shadows so no need of having ingenuity everywhere.

I like your changes. I tweaked further into what I had in mind. Obviously once I factor in high rolling the resists on all the gear in game, I can maybe re-adjust the augments a bit.

I did stoneplate. I think it’s just for the best. I like the devos but I feel like there has GOT to be a better option than Tsunami. Even if Tsunami isn’t absolute trash anymore I still feel like Tsunami needs a resistance on its node like imp. I wish Tsunami had like 4% elemental resist on it.

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Well I like tsunami for leveling, but I usually spec out of it sooner than later.
personally I would just grab Eel and then 2 nodes in Amatok

Stonehide of Kings is classic, man I have crafted thousands of those booties still nada :slight_smile:

It does open a lot up, I could do 2 points into lotus for 3% more phys resist as well. What do you think?

or 2 points in Jackal for speed, if you need more attack speed, Or entire Jackal and skip last Ghoul node if you don’t need the pierce res from empty throne

Or 2 jackal for speed and 2 in lotus. You Lion 4% health isn’t a huge deal and the build really does need more speed.

yeah sounds good.
But you should have cold stone in off-hand weapon for ABB

I wonder if any of the items could be swapped for a better choice now. But it’s definitely improved a lot, and come arcanist changes even more so… Man I just imagined if IEE line got Attack Speed lol.

Stonehide of Kings makes all builds better :slight_smile:
Pants you might wanna change too now that they dont give armor bonus on proc btw (still very very good leg pants) but perhaps some dope Kuba pants are better for Lethal Assault

The speed is still super helpful, the phys resist, the chaos resist. I’m not sure what I’d change it to.

Oh I just realized we need to 1 point fabric of reality.

True, of Kings proc can stack with Barbaross proc.
Ancient Kuba of the Dragonhaul

Oh yes, racial damage bonus on FB! Looking forward to that

I really don’t want to lose the elemental resist on wardstone but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to replace it in the medal slot. Hrrm. Spellscorched plating on the gloves? lose 3% lifesteal? Not like my auto attacks are crazy fast anyway.

You think a Runic Topaz in the medal and spellscorched plating on the gloves would do me better? Or another… bloodied crystal. Lol armor armor armor

Change pant component for venomguard augment and get spellscourge plating in belt?
Depends on your priority fire/light vs poison res overcap

I know people don’t value acid resist that highly for overcapping but Kaisan is scary too. What do you think of giving up the 3% lifesteal?

Or just take one more Sylvarra in one of the rings

The patch may put N&O spellbreaker back on the menu with the increase in dps but I wasn’t impressed, personally. Outside of the sustain provided by nortus I don’t see melee spellbreakers benefiting enough to bring them out of mediocrity.

@malawiglenn I just squeezed out a 65-66 ultimate run in SR with my last link I posted here. And I had some of the worst mutators you can possibly get.

This thing will absolutely destroy elite SR farming for legendaries too, including with stormtitan boots/no greens. And the most wonderful thing about this build is that bringing it into multiplayer SR people will love love love to have you in the group.