Arcanist needs CPR

cardiac pulmonary resuscitation…it is basic first aid when somebody’s heart stops. You may want to learn it, lol.

Yeah I think I learned that in my native language. :stuck_out_tongue:

I scrolled down a little bit in “Latest threads”:

  • Druid by Dementia
  • Sorcerer by Shoot2033
  • Spellbinder by _ya

Yeah, seems like a dead mastery.

If something is only useful as a support mastery with a few “good” talents (namely Maiven, Overload, Star Pact, Nullify and IF) then it is not a full mastery in its own rights. Just look at the Iskandra set (end-set for Arcanist). Nobody runs Arcanist as a primary mastery. However, checking the buffs this patch it seems to have been revived a bit. Now it is off intensive care and sitting in a wheelchair!

I even counted the skill points in Shoot´s Sorcerer. They are nearly even in Demolitionist/Arcanist and he uses Devastation.
Check Dementia´s Druid with Trozan´s.

Doesn´t look like pure support to me.

Not only dead builds,but dead masteries as well,yikes!

I’m curious what builds are actually being referenced here because arcanist has had a lot of fine options (a sampling of them overpowered to the point that crate deemed them nerf worthy at various points in the past so many months)

Can we have some more concrete examples to go with the claims the sky is falling?

Concrete points: no RR and some very weak nodes/abilities. Sure devastation is still ok, as some pointed out, and Panetti can still work for AA Mage Hunter builds, but FF and CD and Ray are rough. For me, a mastery is balanced when you can can spend most of your points there and it is a primary source for your major abilities. Like pure soldier, pure oathbreaker, pure inquisitor, pure necro, pure shammy…those are strong trees. Arcanist and Occultist, the two true caster trees other than necro, are hurting. Occult has been a simple support mastery for any non-pet caster for quite some time. Now arcanist has joined it. I think it is no secret that viable caster builds are very limited right now.

arcanist does need more rr. that’s what i can think of. for primary damage skills arcanist already have end game sets for devastation, panetti, trozan, and aar. it just need slightly more tweaks for it to have stronger identity as primary mastery.

The actives from arcanist that do not boast top-tier builds right now are TSS, CT and OFF. CT used to be on the fastest build in the game save pets once (Agrivix nerfs went way too far - this much I agree with). TSS is doing alright, I hear. OFF was never meant as main. PRM and AAR are good. Very good.

On the contrary, arcanist is rather weak as support mastery. The strongest builds with arcanist take it as main mastery (binders, mage hunters). Sorcerers will (almost) always be inferior to purifiers or shieldbreakers. Spellbreakers will lose to infiltrators and tricksters.

This is because arcanist is NOT a good support mastery. In general, it offers little in terms of support except some cc res and energy QoL.

But I agree it deserves some buffs. Maybe not CPR, though.

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IMO, elem/aether RR is the only thing Arcanist really misses in order to be top tier mastery.

I was really disappointed, when Crates added aether and cold RR to thermites. Like, seriously, you’re doing that to a fucking demo, but not to arcanist? C’mon… :expressionless:

There’s very little reason to pick arcanist if not for it’s great damage skills devastation, AAR and PRM imo, or maybe CT or TSS… With a proper RR support mastery.

RR is a huge deal and I don’t feel arcanist really brings anything to the table to make up for the lack of it.
I’m mostly exaggerating, but the higher bonus to energy management feels it’s just there to offset the huge energy costs including Maiven’s drain, and that skill is just there to offset the terrible defensive stats gained from the mastery.

CDR from starpact is great but it’s anti synergistic with some arcanist base skills. It was already a hard sale against Censure and now it’s not even exclusive to arcanist anymore…

The only really special thing arcanist adds to the table is nullification, but that skill has such a long cd and the debuffs worth dispelling get reapplied so often that the skill is relegated to using on a pack of elites every so often.

It’s been suggested for years, but I still think making OFF a “real” skill (RR debuff with standardized values plus cc on trash mobs) would help with arcanist being a desirable pick for more than it’s damage skills. It’d help Battlemage at least…

Some racial damage against aetherials & chtonics on Fabric of Reality could help alleviate the lack of RR for aether damage and chaos AAR.

edit: I should first say I don’t think Arcanist is in the dire state that people’s tones seem to imply. If buffs were to come into the picture:

A transmutor for Sphere of Protection that adds even more %damage absorption for shield users. Maybe further improving the damage absorption scaling a bit further on the base as well. This would help spellscourge out a fuckton and really all zany arcanist shield builds would suddenly be a lot cooler.

Buffing Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange line to be more on par with Oathkeeper’s Presence of Virtue line.

I think these 2 changes alone would be pretty impactful. It would be NICE if Arcanist could be appealing without RR.

Other changes that could help.
Mirror of Ereoctes can afford to have its cooldown nerf reverted. Spellbinder is no longer god tier and bringing this back would not change that.

Maybe swap out the energy regeneration on Arcane Will with something better. Arcanists can get regen in plenty of other ways?

Finally, add some reduced enemy damage on ANY of the Arcanist abilities. It could be one of the damaging spells if Zantai would prefer the dmg reduction limited to one arcanist build, but since Arcanist as a mastery has fallen behind a bit maybe put it on Nullification to make it universally accessible but require skill point investment in something a lot of people don’t max.

Oh, yes. +1. Also:

Arcane Will cooldown scaling with rank with 70-80% of current value at softcap and 60-70% at hardcap (no-one will go there anyway).

Remove the off-hand requirement for Devastation.

Revert ALL nerfs to CT. Old Clairvoyant and Agrivix were pacified long ago and the nerfs to CT that came along for some reason stayed.

Seriously, revert the nerfs to Anasteria helmet. It’s the symbol of arcanists. This was a final slap in the face to all binder fans after many many rounds of intensive ball-kicking in all the patches this and last year.

Arcane will sure.
Devastation tome requirement I’m personally okay with frankly.

Revert CT nerfs I’m for. It wasn’t even an OP build. CT binder was pretty much fine I think and CT is a skill that performs disproportionately well in Crucible.

I think the Ana helm nerf was more or less fine. If the hit was really so bad it can be toned back a bit but it’s a strong helm.

Wouldn’t that be a redesign more than a buff? What would it look like?

I feel IEE is generally in an awkward spot: it’s a passive for elemental weapon damage which finds no applicable skill in Arcanist, and once you look beyond, both the skill and the mastery lose their appeal as secondaries. Compare them with e.g. inquisitor seal/arcane empowerment with censure, or notice how things like Runebinder or Arcanor seldom use Arcanist.

I didn’t mean make it look like Presence of Virtue, I meant to imply that stat wise what it offers is just inferior to presence of virtue. Before I get into this let me point out that I understand that similar skills are perfectly fine being weaker in one class than another because you need to also consider devotion, itemization and the rest of the class’s kit. Nothing in GD should be entirely considered in a vacuum. That being said:

Soft capped IEE gives:
37 elemental damage, 80 energy leech, 65% energy regen, 100% elemental damage, ~171 of each elemental DoT on a chance to proc one of each, 25% aether resist (great new addition), 25% crit damage, 126% elemental DoT damage.

Soft capped PoV gives:
49 Internal Trauma or bleed damage per sec on a chance for either, 133 OA, 6.5 energy regen, phys retaliation, +18% health +13% healing effects, +10% block chance, +30% damage blocked, 24-29 phys damage, 25% life reduction and damage reflection resistance, +100% retaliation damage.

Now even if we ignore the benefits for shield/retaliation builds and think "they don’t seem that far apart. Mainly because the 25% crit damage on IEE is huge and sexy and indeed what we often max…

The 133 OA on PoV is hugely useful to many builds, and +18% health in GD is often well over another 1400 health. The improved healing makes lifesteal more effective.

Again, we can’t really compare them in a vacuum, but Arcanists don’t really struggle for damage these days so much as surviving and the first 2 nodes often don’t provide Arcanists with much. You put 1 point in IEE sometimes or maybe a few for preference for energy hungry builds, Overload is often untouched. I personally have no problem with Arcanists being glass Cannons if Zantai wants to go that route and wouldn’t mind seeing flat OA on Overload or IEE.

I dunno. You could think of it as “2 nodes on POV are almost universally desirable whereas only 1 node in IEE is desired to the same extent.” I don’t mind the third node being more niche.

The problem is that if you care about themes, which Z does and so do I, then you can’t just put whatever you want onto the skill. That approach homogenizes the classes. Sure more defensive stats on IEE would be amazing but it doesn’t really fit. If the aether resist on Overload scaled on a bit of a curve (higher aether resist with more investment) and if IEE had flat OA I’d probably feel more torn about where to put my arcanist skill points.

Then again maybe IEE is fine. This shit is hard to say. I find it easier to pick items that are never used and suggest buffs for them.

I think you said it best though @Pareto
that “I feel IEE is generally in an awkward spot: it’s a passive for elemental weapon damage which finds no applicable skill in Arcanist, and once you look beyond, both the skill and the mastery lose their appeal as secondaries.”

This is true. Even though Rebuke gets passed over a lot for min-maxers in Oathkeeper builds, it’s pretty much never a full out bad pick because it factors into all the weapon damage skills available. IEE’s elemental flat damage is inherently not useful for most of its skills. Shrug.

Edit: looks like Arcanist passives will be updated in the next patch, so we might want to wait a few days before talking about them.

Two questions:

  1. Do people feel that Fabric of Reality and Mental Alacrity are pulling their weight?

On paper, Fabric of Reality looks like it’d suffer from similar issues to IEE: narrow utility and awkward dual damage. I suspect aether-based and chaos-based weapon setups would favor Necromancer/Inquisitor and Occultist/Demolitionist respectively, as well as masteries with better melee/ranged support. I’ve no experience with either, though, so I might be wrong. (Combined aether + chaos is not a thing, right?)

Mental Alacrity is certainly useful and I’ve soft-capped it myself, but it could still use a little something, perhaps?

  1. Do people feel that energy regen/leech from Arcanist is useful enough to other masteries?

Energy is a focus of Arcanist passives, but when other masteries have energy issues, they seemingly prefer to look for it elsewhere (e.g. Harp) rather than take Arcanist and lose out on other things (notably RR). Cost reduction for expensive skills can also be found in many items.

To me, it feels like Arcanist’s energy bonuses mostly serve to offset the inflated energy costs of its own skill lines (e.g. Maiven’s, AAR, IEE), rather than being widely applicable or offering something different in terms of gameplay. Just my impression?

Fabric of reality works for the one aether build that uses %WD, CT. Outside of that it just sits there.

I’ve stated much of the same on mental alacrity, it feels more like a second node on other skills that bear inflated mana costs for their point efficiency (and even then they don’t always carry the build).

Energy is a yes/no thing where you either have enough and never worry about it or you don’t and it’s build limiting. Energy is easy enough to pull from other sources and still be ahead on damage as seen in cold pblades infiltrator vs. spellbreaker. The energy leech on arcanist is generally useless.

I wouldn’t let a preview get in the way of your feedback.