Archmage Aleksander?

Hi folks. I’m having an issue progressing SR due to Archmage Aleksander. Not here to complain, but looking for a legit way to beat him. I’m playing a Conjurer bleeding pet build. So far I’ve progressed to SR60 very easy, and can beat gladiator crucible rank 170. My pets are always at 100% hp, until the moment they just die instantly. Whenever that happens I just know it, it’s Archmage Aleksander. I mouse around and indeed, there he is. He is the only enemy so far that has been capable of damaging my pets, and 1shot them at that.
My pets have around ~100k-120k hp, 50% physical resistance and all other resistance at 80%-83%. I figured he was full aether and he might have abilities to reduce aether resist so I started overcapping Aether a bit for my pets, but to no avail. I can’t figure out why he doesn’t really hit much on me, but is capable of 1shotting all of my 5 pets. My own stats is ~19k hp, all resist capped and phys resist 61%.

That must be the meteor. Show gt if you got a build problem.

Thanks for the hint, hadn’t thought about looking up his abilities. The 30% reduced resistance might be painful. Other than that, it doesnt look like his meteor should deal 100k+ damage on my pets.

My build:

It looks like you are 2 Points over hardcap on Primal Bound. These two points should be spent else where, but since i have absolute no clue about pet builds i can’t recommend anything besides this.

Get Pet Aether res to atleast 80%. Overcapping recommended. Then see if you can get more Pet Phys res too as Aether res alone won’t help. Other than that, use the Pet Attack command to better position your pets and don’t fight near his Aether Crystals.

On the topic of your pets getting destroyed by his meteor, this is my own Bleed Pet Conjurer: Sanguine Lupus - Pet Conjurer which boasts much better defenses and I still wouldn’t recommend letting your pets (or yourself) face tanking his meteors if you can. It just hits hard :frowning: