OK, so seal of blades and just an indicator about apearance of an item being changed. Got it. Thanks.
Hello guys.
I’ve been playing in Shadow Realm lately, up to shard 25, being bored as hell. I’ve heard people writing about “SR 75-76”, but I don’t understant what does it mean: starting in SR 75 (like starting in crucible from wave X) and then playing just 8 levels (2x boss fights)? How to start in lvl 75?
The Shattered Realm - Official Grim Dawn Wiki
Yes - it is similar to Crucible in this respect (with being able to start at higher levels).
Thanks, I was in wiki before entering SR for the first time, missed the part about waystones.
Is there a way to stop Ravager of Flesh from healing by dealing dmg to me? Like an effect/skill that would block it on him? He seems to be leeching my life faster than I can deal dmg to him
I don’t think Ravager leeches. I think you need more damage. Have you upgraded your weapons? How does your character look now?
It’s good, I’m in the middle of act 2 ultimate, died once so far. When I’m careful, ultimate doesn’t seem all that bad.
It looks like this now: Dervish, Level 96 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator I still don’t have soulbound items on shoulders, belt and helmet nor do I have components on belt, ring and helmet. When I do that, it should be around full res. I don’t really have an idea on what component to put into belt slot, all I can create seems to suck atm. Any suggestions about important soulbound/components that aren’t just +resistances?
How much armor absorbtion do I finally need? I have 84% atm. Do I need 100%?
I was thinking about Shattered Realm 5/10/15 around act 3/4, on ultimate, If I could survive it.
OK, so I shadow striked some elite monster in shattered realm 4, and it killed me instantly, not even Mercy / Unlife was able to proc and save me. Is there a combat log in this game, which will tell me what exactly happened? If so, how tu turn it on?
Open your char sheet, hold over mouse arrow to DA text, it will tell the last one hit you. Open the 3rd page, scroll down to bottom to check which mob dealt the highest dmg to you.
Perhaps record your gameplay if you have the possibility to be able to analyze it later, check out monsters in GrimTools.
GrimInternals has an option to make a screenshot when you die and some CombatLogConsole but I don’t think players use it / not sure if it’s useful.
Maybe you were critted / retaliated against.
According to your description, such instant autokill usually happens either against reflect ability (skill with visual effect similar to Mirror of Ereoctes) or when you use movement skill to an enemy with shotgun attack (something that has several projectiles) and all of them hit your face at once. The most famous of such shotgun enemies are Zantarin and Mad Queen (Rashalga).
That monster certainly looked like “her”, but with a pentagram icon above its head, not the skull icon. And yeah, I met Zantarin already inside wave 125 in crucible and it was exactly the same: my shadow strike → insta kill, no defensive skills proc’ed.
OK, so how to handle Zantarin / Mad Queen as a melee character then? I was thinking about farming mad queen’s claws anyway when I reach the proper act, so this will be an incredibly useful tip for me
For Zantarin - let him cast his projectiles and only then SS to him. For Mad Queen - either kill her in burst before she gets red aura (you need to have a really massive damage) or kite when aura is up.
Zantarin: keep your char close to him, dont turn back, he will use his shotgun and one shot you at close range(he turns red when casting it).
Mad queen: if your char use any projectile skills, turn back when she starts howling and her skin changes to red), her retaliation will one shot you at close range. If not, you will be fine if your char is tanky enough to sustain her 2 hits claw attack.
Would a “reflected damage reduction” stat help me against them? 2 titan’s plating + 3 Kymon’s Fury seems to be getting me to 96%.
It will help you against reflectors (when you kill yourself by your returned damage). Zantarin and Rashalga kill you with their own damage. Against projectiles the following mechanics are useful:
- Chance of “impaired aim”, as on Wind Devils from Shaman class.
- Chance to “avoid projectiles”, as on Shadow Dance of Nightblade
- Chance to block (shield)
- Specifically against Zantarin and Rashalga you also want “Resistance to Life Reduction”, as on Rebuke of Oathkeeper.
That’s not very accurate. No1 defense vs shotguns is flat dmg absorption. Every projectile is affected. Inquisitor Seal makes facetanking MQ and Lokarr trivial even for glass cannons. Block chance on the other hand is pretty much useless, as block has cooldown and can only affect one projectile at a time. Dodge and PTH debuffs are better ofc but also not all that great because the majority of projectiles always go through and they remain completely unaffected.
Don’t. Unless for style points. MQ Claw is meme.Try Misery or a well roilled Rift Scourge Slicer. Or full set Venomblade for full ABB with Fervor as filler.
No. It’s a niche stat with little practical application. If reflect mobs kill you it’s usually because you stack DoTs and you left them alive too long for some reason. It’s cool to have but don’t go out of your way to get it.
I don’t agree on this part since zero block recovery time can be achieved and then you can block all projectiles if lucky enough. Usually achievable for soldier only, but still. Totally agree on flat absorption - forgot to mention it.
Well, guys, listening has paid off. My first mad queen has been slayed on ultimate Really, learning that red = run away was actually a key to everything.
I would love that, but where to get them actually? MQ claw I know where to get, 8% drop chance is not a lot, but it will happen eventually. Venomblade I can’t get somehow, even when I burned all resources on random lvl 94 mythical set transmutes I still haven’t seen a single piece. Not to mention blueprint. Misery - I have no idea where to start looking. Rift Scrouge Slicer seems at least attainable. Should I farm mountain depths for it?
Don’t do that. Farm Crucible. Of the Legion is the easiest. You might not be able to do 150-170 x3 off the bat but you might do 150-160 and 140-160 twice. If not then start at 100, climb some and see where it’s most comfortable to restart for the 20-wave runs. It’s much easier with blessings (especially the first 2). You drop some purples and greens and hopefully blueprints every run. Once you dropped the helmet blueprint, you can transmute the whole set.
Or farm lower SR. Non-Ultimate SR is also an thing. Or roguelikes. Many people do the Ugdenbog one for Ugdenblooms and good MIs.