B29 Hotfix 2 (v0.3.7.1)

I can confirm this same behavior as you leave Fort Ikon heading into the Plains of Dispair. You walk out and there are tons of mob there waiting for you but you cannot drop a totem or wind devil until you are well clear of the walls. I think it is because you are looking through the upper battlements at your character. I need to try rotating the camera to see if this helps.

Thanks a lot good job

I don’t know if it has been reported but it seems that Empowered Omen blueprint don’t work… After “learning” to craft the option simiply doesn’t show up on the list of any blacksmith. Other Empowered blueprints are working normaly (just crafted me a Empowered Defender of Devil’s Crossing)

I don’t know if it may be related to the problem but before acquiring the Empowered version I had the normal version of the Omen blueprint (this one working as intended), and the ingredients on both seems to be the same.

You guys are saints.

I bought in to this with you guys in Oct 2014.

I knew the game was going to be solid, but damn!

A world of difference this past year has made :smiley:

If this game doesn’t score a high 80s - low 90s on Metacritic, I’ll be truly shocked.

Great, great work fellas!

Keep it up!!!

I think this is a larger issue with targeting in that area; I have major problems with Albrecht’s Aether Ray in that location, with the character constantly swinging around to point in some direction other than the direction of the cursor.

On a separate note, have there been some major changes to resistance? I could swear I saw a patch note about reducing resistances, but I just did a Conflagration run, and the Herald of the Flame seems to be completely immune to fire and aether damage now (which it definitely wasn’t a few weeks ago; it always had decent fire and aether resists, but not 100%). Based on actual damage done per tick, it looked like ~97-98% immune to damage from AAR; I’m guessing that means 100% fire resist, 100% aether resist, and ~20% vitality resist. 100% immune to a single damage type is one thing, but multiple immunities types seems a bit harsh, given how few methods we have for reducing resistance, and how strongly the game pushes you to specialize in a small number of damage types (and the caps on player resist values).