Bakery boosts desirability at 0 workers

Short: Bakeries will give the desirability bonus to surrounding housings even if you remove all workers from it.

Long: Not sure if this qualifies as bug, but it definetely is a nice exploit in the early game. If you place a bakery in your village it will give a desirability boost to near houses. If you disable the production this bonus is set back to 0 (as epected - no smell of fresh bread = no bonus). But if you simply press the “-” button to remove the working bakers, so that the building is theoretically active but does not produce any bread the bonus stays, which makes it desirable to build it even if you dont produce any flour atm. I think the same logic as for disabling should be applied here: 0 workers = no smell = 0 desirability boost. Next level would be to even remove the boost, if the baker has not produced anything within a certain timeframe (e.g. due to flour shortage), but that is probably a bit more work.

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

No, don’t think it’s a bug.

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