Beastcaller AoE Feedback

Did some updated tests to Beastcaller since I missed the latter half of the last test cycle

Vit: still decent
Fire: Seems decent still according to Nofika
Other damage types: have fallen behind, but life sucks sometimes

Mostly I have the thread open because Beastcaller is still pretty far behind AoE clear compared to most of pet options now, even with basically mandatory take of an aoe devo proc. I don’t think it needs more power (and skeletons still seemed cracked imo), but just more consistency. The request would be to consider reducing damage on Briar thorn wave jobbie, but also reduce cooldown time on it so they spam it a bit more. As a side effect, this might address some of the extreme shotgunning that can happen with it as well.

Fire BC example from @nofika4u in naked ex crucible, where the lacking aoe is clearest to see in timers


Off topic question - why are the Briarthorns blue? Is there an item that does this?

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Just a bug. Guess they got frozen the run before and stayed that way

Pets are difficult to balance. Beastcaller has good single target damage, and is strong for deep SR and celestials, but aoe is very lackluster. I agree that some small tweaks can be done to improve aoe a bit without changing single target performance.

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The cooldown on the Briarthorn’s special attack is consistent with other pets.

At the risk of sounding flippant, does that matter? :sweat_smile:

Skeletons have 18 million copies launching their aoe, fat boys explode all over better as well. Double hellhounds also bring considerably more aoe, and none are any worse at single target damage to boot. If the set is destined to be more single target focused due to the pet support, it wouldn’t hurt to get a small bit of the bite back. Like killing the other physical pet thread as well by changing to all damage bonuses on the set!

+1 bestcaller could use some AoE love.

Also, I kind of want pet Elemental > Physical conversion on an item that does not have slot conflicts with full beastcaller :sweat_smile:

replace thorns aoe with Vines instead :no_mouth: