šŸ”° Beginner Build Compendium - 93 guides for AoM & FG expansions

Thanks for adding my Ritualist, didnā€™t notice youā€™re still active :slightly_smiling_face:

Also I seems to miss some of the other builds, including your one Infiltrator with Chillstrifes, which is obviously cool.

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I wasnā€™t active for a few months.

Tell me which are missing and Iā€™ll add them. Instead of your Chillstrifeā€™s guide thereā€™s leveling for it in the Compendium: [] DW cold Infiltrator for beginners-build diary so I think Iā€™ll change it to your Chillstrife guide and players will be able to find leveling from there

Or maybe Iā€™ll check your compendium. [edit] Nah, all your builds are in compendium.

Maybe you meant my Spectral Longsword caster Infi ā†’ itā€™s in the compendium. I put it in Melee Hybrid but after remembering what this category is about (melee AA + other things), I moved it to Cooldown Caster. Although itā€™s Cooldown Caster (Roh) + Melee (Shadow Strike and fight in melee range) + Spam Caster (Chillspikes) hybrid because all these skills deal good damage but RoH is the focus and most damage I suppose.


No, no I just meant that Iā€™ve missed the builds you added in last update. For instance I havenā€™t saw before your Infiltrator guide and it serves better purpose than my own, which is pretty old.


After watching half of Shadowstrike Skip Guide - Grim Dawn ZIPPING - YouTube by @RektbyProtoss and Eluminator
Iā€™d love to make some build guide with hard to get MIs and use this technique to farm them.

name Petwalker - Walking Simulator Budget Pet Conjurer (Pets)(Conjurer)(Maya) name


Hello Nery, thank you so much for all your work. It is possible for you to reshare the " [Advanced mechanics guide by Nery et. al. ]? Itā€™s seems to me that itā€™s down, maybe Iā€™m mistaken.

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Check THIS link if itā€™s working for you. Mind that the guide wasnā€™t completed and itā€™s pretty old.

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Sounds like it needs to be completed then.


What do you think of this format of build entries: Build Compendium for Mods ?
For me itā€™s more readable but it is a bit rough and lacks the flow the current one has.

  • Keep current format
  • Move to new format

0 voters


Usually, old ways are complex to break due to habits but by the looks of it, I prefer the new style.

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I skip the vote as I can live with both - and you would have the work to do for the change :slight_smile:

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The poll is closed. Since 5 were for the changes and 3 against, I reformatted the OP.
I also changed the color of links from the default one as itā€™s not very readable and blends with the background.
Also colors of damage types because Iā€™ve never liked those chosen by Ulvar.

Beginnerā€™s/budget acid Sentinel Acid Sentinel Nery
Beginnerā€™s/budget PRM Mage Hunter Elemental Mage Hunter Nery
Beginnerā€™s Nephrite Spellbinder Aether Spellbinder Stupid_Dragon
Budget Physical Forcewave Warlord Physical Warlord The_Coyote
Beginners Phantasmal blades Spite Blademaster Pierce Blademaster supertolik
Beginnerā€™s Pre-Gargabolā€™s Defiler Vitality Defiler thepowerofmediocrity

Also wanted to change usernames to links to their profiles but

I need the character limit to be increased.



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Added [] The Fakeuisher - Physical Skater Warlord


idontwannaknow0 (1)
SSF Physical Eye of Reckoning Warlord Physical Warlord tqFan
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Iā€™m going to slowly add game version entry for every build and builds in tables are going to be sorted in a decreasing order
(PM me if you update your build, its game version changes and youā€™d like it to be updated)

Than you should likely make the ā€œpatches - still viableā€ point more prominent - as the builds here age much better than top performers (and if a build is updated - the question is if only the final build was updated or the complete leveling was repeated - and how to mark the difference as the title likely will have in both case the later game version? [:dunno:])

for me itā€™s enough if you keep up with the game and if thereā€™s some change, mention it in the guide and just update the Grim Tools link [edit] or even just the thread title. You can edit your recommended budget char manually as far as Iā€™m concerned (and maybe put the link earlier so that GT Parser updates it [or does it not look at it just in the title?]) - or add a new one thatā€™s more up to date

Iā€™ve changed sections somewhat because the previous ones were a bit all over the place. I think the current ones should be more useful and readable. Also a few builds were in wrong sections.