Belgo set infiltrator seems meet a little bug

here is my belgo set infiltrator,in the new playtest.
when I log in the game,the first deadly aim buff seems gives more dps to my character.

and after the first deadly aim buff,I cannot reach the DPS again even retrigger up the deadly aim buff.

same buff but lost 5k DPS

how much dps do you gain/lose respectively from seal and aim?
*i wonder if maybe you got your sheet snapshotted while maybe not actually benefitting from seal, even tho the buff is still present on the bar

seems there is some bug in Belgothian’Strike.
when i use Weapon Attack or RF pal,there is no DPS problem.
but first log in game’s Belgo strike always got more 5K dps


looks like it’s related to charges

once you reach 6th charge tooltip “normalizes”, i’m guessing displaying based on 100% charge instead of 115%?

you can keep the initial dps sheet by just hitting dummy once or twice/building less than 6th charge, let Belgo Strikes buff wear out, hit once again, and it will retail original higher dps sheet
then once you go above 5th charge sheet will keep the now slightly lower dps readout next time Belgo strikes buff wears out and starts fresh

only first log in game will reach the higher dps.

yes but like i said it’s not really the log in, it’s the charges
you can log in, “keep” the peak dps sheet; just never go above 5th belgo charge
once you reach 6th charge, that’s what changes the dps sheet readout when buff refreshes

you can easily try this
log in, hit dummy 1 or 2 or 3x, see sheet; peak dps readout
let buff vanish
then hit dummy 1 2 or 3x again; see still peak dps
rinse repeat, never go above 5th charge

now try hit dummy 6x/reach 6th belgo charge, let buff vanish; now next time belgu charges appear, even at 1charge, you get the slightly lower dps readout
so there is something about that 6th charge update that interacts with the sheet/dps readout

i think it’s not the problem with charge.
when first log in and hit the dummy,the dps in my sheet will be higher(201xxxx),and it will be quickly change to 196xxxx no matter what you do(keep hit/stop hit/wait the belgo buff miss and recharge),you can only got 196xxxx unless log out-log in again.

“i did not log out between these”

pretty sure it’s the 6th charge interaction that causes the update/something with the update
because it happens everytime after reaching the 6 charge

edit. okay i just had it happen not until the 8th charge, so might not be directly 6th charge related :thinking:

*looks like frequency of attack might be related, with a rapid succession of hits seems to trigger it/the sheet change immediately

looks like it’s related to default dw hand interaction
in 100% wps mods i i couldnt’ get the sheet to change, when i dropped to 0 wps and thus default dual hand interaction sheet changed immediately

@ginowei infiltrator currently has 95%wps, which means 2.5% 1handed attacks
try to remove all wps points, see if you get the constant “low” sheet dps readout/from 1st hit onwards

likewise try equip blade dancer relic to increase wps pool too 100+, then see if you can get it to happen/get sheet to drop below login peak

when i’m at 100+ wps it seemingly wont make the weird dps drop’s problem with wps