Best Hardcore Builds []?

Thx for checking them out! :smile:

Sure, hit me up once I’m back online from my vacation, in like a week.

I rly hope so.

That’s the spirit!

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If u want a new Warlord with good survivability something like this would work

Warborn is the key here, you can as you like with the rest of the gear, devotions and attribute points.

I use a similar setup for my Witchblade.

There is also a nice Markovian version in the build compendium.

Where can I see that build? :slight_smile:
^ is the latest link he gave me couple of weeks ago, I don’t actually know if it’s perfectly up to date. Even if he did change it up, the changes should be minimal. Note that Anatomy of Murder got nerfed this latest patch, but he used it as a one pointer only anyways.

If you wanna catch him live and ask him questions about his builds, this is his stream:

Edit: after checking his GT again, I’d definitely try to one point mental alacrity, fabric of reality nullification and mirror of ereoctes. I don’t know how the man was able to do SR 90 without mirror wtf

75-76 very fast run, about 7-8min buffer.

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