Hi guys,
Let me start off by sincerely apologizing for perhaps asking this question for the billionth time.
I love this game and I love the concept of the PRM build but I’ve hit a rut and I’m just so confused.
I need someone to help/guide/or just downright give me the cookie-cutter build for a PRM arcanist that just wrecks Ultimate difficulty. I don’t mind guzzling down pots and kiting as long as I can kill bosses without problems. I don’t have a lot of time to mess around with builds, unfortunately, so I’m asking for help from you guys who are probably more experienced.
I’m looking for a build where:
- I just spam PRM (and maybe devastation)
- Perhaps use OFF to kite
Something similar to this - grimcalcDOTcom/build/IDjmeXQ (sorry I can’t post links yet)
My problem is that I don’t know if builds like this use Physique, or if I should I go full Spirit. I don’t know if I should take up a secondary mastery, and if I would will it be Soldier or Occultist or Demo.
I would also really appreciate if someone could give me the devotion path. I’ve seen builds that incorporate meteor shower or arcane bomb into PRM and I’d love that but this devotion system is just too complex for my stupid mind and I’m hoping someone can spell out the devotion path for me.
Thank you so much in advance.