Blades of Nadaan is now rather underwhelming

With the changes to Armor Piercing, the constellation has lost its main attraction. Compared to the other weapon specialization constellation, it lacks an identity now. Not all swords deal pierce damage and other constellations offer more for a pierce focussed build.


comparing it to berserker constellation just makes it feel even more underwhelming.
100% pierce, 8% speed, and bit of flat pierce(can’t see base value so unsure how high it is), for 6 points @_@


I look at the berserker devotion and there is only 4 axes which have both % physical and % bleeding damage, 1 legendary, 2 epics, and 1 MI that is more of physical axe. The rest axe weapons is either physical or bleeding focus.

Some test patches ago I did voice out that the devotion % physical damage part is the weakest part of the devotion, and better changed to % all damage, since pierce and vitality axe usually also support bleeding damage.

With the coming of FoA and the Berserker mastery with pierce, cold, and chaos support, my opinion still stands that the devotion should receive % all damage but making the flat and % bleeding value stays the same. The current value of 100% physical and 150% bleeding could be changed to 70% all damage and 80% bleeding damage.


“both” is totally irrelevant, it only requires 1 to be useful to said build
bleed axes Grim Dawn Item Database voila devo+bonuses unlocked
phys Grim Dawn Item Database voila you can now put points in zerker

ngl, feel like it’s the weirdes perspective that an axe would need both phys or bleed to be useful for zerker :sweat_smile:
heck that’s before we even dip our toes in the concept of a build just weilding and axe and 1-2-3-4 pointing zerker not being phys nor bleed oriented :neutral_face: Elementalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator , Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

while i don’t think all dmg would be necessarily absurd, it might make it too universally useful/attractive, and would just further increase the disparity it has with the other slot exlusive devos like Nadaan and Rhowan

Blades of Nadaan also gives 30 DA and 2% Avoid Melee Attacks and Projectiles.
But even Rhowan’s Scepter offers a better deal:

  • 70 DA
  • 110 Armor,
  • +8% Armor
  • +6% Health
  • +130% Internal Trauma with 50% Increased Duration
  • extra Physical and Internal Trauma Damage
  • +120% all Retaliation
  • +100% Physical Damage
  • (25% Freeze Resistance),

Berserker and Hydra are better, though. Shieldmaiden is pretty much required if you want to use a shield effectively.


ngl, i always kinda felt like the 1st node with dodge/deflect was kinda, “trolly”, it’s gotta be one of the least rewarding nodes overall, so much so i deliberately didn’t/dont count it in when thinking of the constellation :sweat_smile:
if we count it against DA it’s basically the same as point in eel/“low value tier1 devo node” :woozy_face: