Booted to main menu/can't enter world with "generic" name character - renaming fixes

unsure if this is helpful/worthwhile to look at regarding new characters getting booted back to main menu issue

anyway wanted to do a quick test so plopped in copy saved like i usual do, renamed char through GDstash to “testings light radius”, and for whatever reason the game would not allow this character to be played/enter world, and kept getting booted back to main menu
renaming it in GDstash again (to “testlightradius”) fixed it
(sry didn’t check Crucible before renaming)

_testings light (1.3 MB)

included save from before renaming just incase there is something useful

Am I wrong or are blanks in char names not allowed…?

perfectly legal

*as a note this is also the only time ever i’ve experienced this specific issue since starting playing in 2017, with hundreds of char names, (and many many with spaces in their name)

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Yes, game doesn’t like you renaming stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

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curious tho, because i’ve renamed probably 100s of chars with GDstash like this :sweat_smile: - and the fix itself was renaming it
did i mess something up during that process this time, or game just decided to “nuhuh” on me for once out of random mood? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Rename it back with the spaces and see if it does it again? Mebbe it was just a random one off oddity.

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