Boss MIs should probably drop always

It’s pretty insane to farm for stuff like cronley’s signet or rolderathis tome as they require a good walk, drop in 1/3 cases if you’re lucky and usually roll dumb stuff like “nightblade’s … of the untamed”, which you most obviously never want. Those are just a few of many examples.

I’m sure this tedium can be helped by making boss MIs a guaranteed drop.

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Wouldn’t be Monster Infrequents though if that were the case.


I just want them to drop at a guaranteed level 94 instead of some level 90 bullshit lol. But yeah, as Medea said, they would cease to be ‘Monster Infrequents.’

It’ll still be hella infrequent for them to be any good though. Would only provide more chances.

I am not sure I had this problem. Make sure you’re farming on ultimate at lvl100

Yep. Lvl 100 in ultimate. Farming Bloodbriar for example, he drops level 90 or 92 MI’s sometimes. Interestingly enough, when farming some other bosses such as the Warden, I’ve never noticed a shield below lvl 94 drop.

it’s because some bosses have different loot table and scaling
i posted about this before
X boss can have their lvl 84 MI in the loot table, but it wont “go out” until boss scales to ex lvl 110; but the boss max scales to lvl 106 or 108 ingame Notable loot - Ronaprax, the Grand Queen - Grim Dawn Monster Database
other bosses have their 84 MI drop out the table already at lvl 105 or something, etc Notable loot - Gollus, the Deepdweller - Grim Dawn Monster Database

i guess that it was either to increase RNG (assumption being drop % chance would remain effectively the same if 84 version got removed from table) - or that it was a “general loot table/monster scaling thingy”, that might be to ensure monsters could still drop those 80-84 endgame epics and legendaries
(neither speculation was confirmed ofc)

aaanyways, back to the topic at hand
i get you @RomRomRya, but 100% drop chance would also sorta take a little a way
some slight increase to certain boss MIs would not be a bad thing at all tho!
been requested a couple times to ex increase gollus drop chance to just get 50% or something, which i still think is reasonable for non skeleton key boss MIs and boss MIs that can’t be shopped
(gollus is a “nice” example because he’s also really out of the way making it a long trip for nothing when he stiffs you)
50-65% on boss MIs that can’t be shopped i think is kinda fair, (regardless of their distance) - but at the same time i don’t think it should be 100% or “too high”, it would remove too much of the lottery aspect
(kinda how i’d like some “bad” affixes to be trimmed back, but not “all” bad affixes removed, even tho i hate when they drop :sweat_smile: - game still needs some decent RNG happenings to make smile-frown-smile-frown-smile on rewards)

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I don’t mind the affixes at all, the presence of the “bad” ones gives quality to the good rolls. Not to mention the affixes have already been adjusted in a way so MIs roll mostly relevant ones.

Trips for nothing is exactly the thing I am talking about, gollus ring is a splendid example. It seldom drops and is 3 doors away from the nearest portal. Getting nothing from that trip is bad, nothing interesting on the way as well. There’s no reason to visit that place after getting a shrine on veteran besides farming that specific item, ending a trip empy handed really discourages trying. I’d much rather have “sheltering … of the sea” than nothing at all.

I am aware that there are tools to create custom items, but I think the ways of solving in-game matters should be in-game, not in 3rd party software.

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yea no… :sweat_smile:
their chance to roll relevant affixes have been increased, but they still far from “mostly roll relevant” ones - to the point i’ve moaned about it and made several meme posts with it :grin:
but that is RNG, i’m also not talking about a bummer affix/unfitting affix, but affixes that don’t really need to exist, because there are so many doing the exact same thing, ex being Sea you mentioned vs Meditation, or “resistant”/duo or mono elemental affixes bloating the pool by being “everywhere” on magick resist prefixes

anyways that’s neither here nor there really, was just an example i used to highlight the RNG loot lottery, which i think should still be in the game, and why, even on something like Gollus i think 100% drop chance would be bad

should some boss MIs get an increase in drop chance?
definitely, totally!*
should some get a significant bump, absolutely!
should they be 100%, imo, no
we have GDstash if we want “100% drops”

*even something like Alkamos rings i think is still way too low drop chance, and could use a little bump

The MIs that have only a single drop source should have a decent drop rate (40% at least IMO). Doubly so for MIs that are in Skeleton Key dungeons or some other completely off the track place that takes ages to get to.

Gollus is one of the worst, but still farmable within a minute or two per try. Good luck running something like Alkamos, who also has hilariously bad drop rates on top of taking ages to reach.

And about the level 84 versions of items dropping, I honestly think that hitting level 100 should always guarantee a level 94 version of an item. As it stands, leveling past 94 is pointless and counterproductive in every way imaginable as it only serves to massively scale enemies for measly 6 skill and attribute points. Ensuring that only level 94 versions of items always drop (at least from bosses, heroes and the like) at level 100 would:

A) Solve the issue the game’s had ever since FG release - punishing the player for levelling past 94 (which should NEVER happen in an ARPG). Making level 100 have some meaningful reward associated with it would be nice and this feels like a great way to do it.

B) Solve the inconsistency that some bosses can only drop a level 94 version while others can drop 2 or 3 versions.

Look at Voldrak for example. He only drops the level 94 version of his MI from level 98 and on:

While Mogara for example, can drop the level 70, 84 and 94 versions of her MI amulet up till level 95 and you can never get rid of the 84 version (she would have to be level 111)

This seemingly complete randomness about which boss can drop which level MIs is one of my biggest gripes with the game at the moment. Nothing bums a player out more than finally getting good affixes on a hard to get MI and then seeing that it’s a level 84 base item… These days, if I hit level 100, need an MI, look the monster up on the monster database and see that it can drop both 84 and 94 at max level, I usually just end up rolling a new char.

While some bosses can luckily scale so they only drop 94s, there are also MIs that come from normal enemies, where you will always be rolling a 50/50 on an 84vs94.

Affixes follow a similar pattern to the item level (the lower level versions can still spawn at max level), but I don’t have a problem with those. Only the base item level.

it doesn’t, seems like the usual misconception of monster scaling/item scaling there ? :thinking:
back when level cap where 85 you ran around in level 70-75 legendaries :man_shrugging:
since the game has always been balanced this way, ie Monsters aren’t actually out scaling you or your items in terms of stats and difficulty, then there is no loss in leveling above 94
while the effect of those 6 skill points and attribute points might be negligible, monsters also aren’t outscaling you (or your items) at a rate where those 6 levels suddenly makes the encounters detrimental or “worse”
considering lots of beginner setups can handle SR 50-65 on Ultimate, at lvl 100, a game mode that vastly outscales MC content in terms of monster strength and difficulty, it’s pretty safe to say it’s not an issue that player is lvl 100, items are 94 (or 84 for some epics and legendaries still) and monsters are 110…

rest i pretty much agree with tho

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No misconception really. Enemies are not outscaling you, but those last 6 levels only serve to close the gap with no reward at all for the player.
Every level increases monster HP by ~3.4% on average. 6 levels means that enemies have ~26% more HP than they would have at level 94. You no longer get more powerful items in those last 6 levels but only absolutely marginal increases in power.

As everything scales in percentages, the higher the level, the greater the difference. It was not nearly as bad when the cap was 85 or lower.

Just an example:
Ugdenbog Golem level 94 health - 238 470
Ugenbog Golem level 100 health - 279 142

The enemies are usually at least to some degree over your cap, so probably a level 97 to 103 should be compared:
Ugdenbog Golem level 97 health - 256 926
Ugdenbog Golem level 103 health - 308 975

As you can see, at these high levels, just increasing the base level by 3, the difference in scaling between the 6 level interval is 41K HP vs 52K HP.

Or let’s just take a more high HP example:
Callagadra level 100 health - 25 246 030
Callagadra level 106 health - 31 272 740
Just a 6 million HP on an enemy with all base resists close to 100%, no big deal :eyes:

Easiest solution would be to increase the level requirement of the 94 items to 100 (unlikely), or some other reward, like the mentioned guaranteed level 94 drops at the level cap. The problem with levels helping the enemies more than you already starts at level 90 with the measly 1 skill point, but at least there are still items at level 94. Past that, it’s completely devoid of motivation to level up and this is the only ARPG where I get this feeling.

And that’s just the HP part of the monsters, don’t forget that everything scales (OA, DA, their damage etc.). I get that the game is balanced for it by now, but that doesn’t remove the feeling of counterproductive levelling.

Well, getting to lvl 100 is pretty damn easy in GD, which is better than how it was in D2 (it might take years, actually; if you die once, you lose weeks of progress). Although I personally would prefer exp gain slowing down more after lvl 94, but oh well.

The main “problem” with MIs is that you have hundreds of affix combos, and not all of them useful or desirable. Double it down with that lvl 84 version thingy. Legendaries, on the other hand… have only fixed stats. Which makes them “easier” to farm.

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Yeah I agree. Affix pool is too bloated.

and that’s all it is
yes they get a little hp, and i mean little, and they get a little oa and i mean even less oa and da,
there is no punishment, and it’s not counterproductive
is the game “technically” at its easiest at lvl 94, sure, but you make it sound like it’s either bad or straight up detrimental to lvl to 100, when it’s not remotely the case - heck i would argue it’s good they get to get that bit of extra hp, most things were too easy as it stands when you upgraded to full 94s

or is the reward max level of challenge the game has to offer?
or something else even


Yeah my sentiments exactly.

I’m back to haunt this topic.

Perhaps it is bloated. But I think it’s not just the affix pool that’s bloated, some affixes themselves are bloated and full of redundancy. Like “resistant”, I’m sure nobody wants it when “prismatic” exists, or any number of rare affixes which provide elemental res. I think whenever “impervious” rolls anything besides poison res it’s useless. I trust everyone here remembers half the items in the game always rolling “of spellweaving”, being completely pointless most of the time, but “potentially good” even if never in practice. It’s so much better with that one removed.

Some system to “reforge” items to change at least one of their affixes to the desireable one would be amazing, however as far as I understand the game is too far from release at this point for major things to happen.

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