The MIs that have only a single drop source should have a decent drop rate (40% at least IMO). Doubly so for MIs that are in Skeleton Key dungeons or some other completely off the track place that takes ages to get to.
Gollus is one of the worst, but still farmable within a minute or two per try. Good luck running something like Alkamos, who also has hilariously bad drop rates on top of taking ages to reach.
And about the level 84 versions of items dropping, I honestly think that hitting level 100 should always guarantee a level 94 version of an item. As it stands, leveling past 94 is pointless and counterproductive in every way imaginable as it only serves to massively scale enemies for measly 6 skill and attribute points. Ensuring that only level 94 versions of items always drop (at least from bosses, heroes and the like) at level 100 would:
A) Solve the issue the game’s had ever since FG release - punishing the player for levelling past 94 (which should NEVER happen in an ARPG). Making level 100 have some meaningful reward associated with it would be nice and this feels like a great way to do it.
B) Solve the inconsistency that some bosses can only drop a level 94 version while others can drop 2 or 3 versions.
Look at Voldrak for example. He only drops the level 94 version of his MI from level 98 and on:
While Mogara for example, can drop the level 70, 84 and 94 versions of her MI amulet up till level 95 and you can never get rid of the 84 version (she would have to be level 111)
This seemingly complete randomness about which boss can drop which level MIs is one of my biggest gripes with the game at the moment. Nothing bums a player out more than finally getting good affixes on a hard to get MI and then seeing that it’s a level 84 base item… These days, if I hit level 100, need an MI, look the monster up on the monster database and see that it can drop both 84 and 94 at max level, I usually just end up rolling a new char.
While some bosses can luckily scale so they only drop 94s, there are also MIs that come from normal enemies, where you will always be rolling a 50/50 on an 84vs94.
Affixes follow a similar pattern to the item level (the lower level versions can still spawn at max level), but I don’t have a problem with those. Only the base item level.