Brainstorming ideas

The ideas here, are meant for the Monument idea I posted. Achievement Unlocked: Way too many people - #8 by Knife

Every tribe or colony has to start somewhere, in a timeline. I was thinking about this as a prequal to the main event of the game. It can be skipped, though players won’t get the same benefits or weaker benefits. Something about this part needs to be rewarding, like a survival game that got easier as the culture advanced.

Example starting monuments.

Tree: The people live off this first tree, allowing them to expand their territory.

Stone henge: The people built this, to prove they are strong and can work together.

Pyramid: The people needed a means to keep them safe, praising the sun god for its absolute offering.

Fire: People found warmth and safety near the fire, allowing them to feel the energy of their lives.

More can be made. As the development of cultures becomes harder, detailing the culturing community will be what they rely on. I can’t think of any more basic starting places.

Then cultures that work together, may build things like boats or ravines, offering a better way to cope. Boat maybe inland, using a ravine to fill a dam. The dam is broken once the boat is complete, allowing water to wash it to sea. Advanced cultures will be able to accomplish more, with great technology.