Build Advice/Help - Acid RE Oppresor

Hi all. I want to say thanks in advance for any help I am offered.

I started GD a month or so ago and I have about 125 hours in the game. I just got my first character to 100. I followed a build guide fairly closely but about halfway through levelling (and as I did more reading about the game mechanics) I realised things have changed a fair bit since it was written and it was not going to work in the same way at end game.

I have done a fair amount of reading and tried to find gear that will improve my build but going the GD Item Database, I am struggling to work out what the ‘end game’ looks like for my build apart from a few bits here and there.

Here is a Grim Tools link - Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

What I have focused on so far…

  • Sorting resistances - I am capped on everything but from what I read I need to be over-capped more on bottom row stuff like chaos and aether.
  • Getting 100% AA and sorting my components
  • Getting gear that benefits a caster class that deals acid based damage so looking for casting speed, cool down reduction etc.

What I think I know…

  • I want the Pandemic Sword. I think the best way to do this is to do SR. I have not tried Crucible yet.
  • I think my devotion map is outdated. For example, it seems people take the Jackal (as it is great value) and I feel like there is more defense to be had, maybe from tortoise or bat possibly?
  • I am wondering if my choice of skills is right. The setup in the link above is relatively new but I had another setup which had nothing in Call of the Grave, less points in the other bottom row necro abilities but full Judgement, Resilience and Clarity of Purpose (with some other stuff juggled around) in Oathkeeper. I seem to do more damage now but also seem to take a lot more damage (well it is certainly more spiky). I can mockup a GT link if required.
  • I am pretty sure my trousers need to be better. Maybe a green item with better defenses / resistances etc. as funny as the ones I am wearing are, they are probably as meme as they sound (notwithstanding the fact the ability is lol).
  • I think I need to replace my vile intent ring but I am really struggling to work out what I need on a replacement
  • I think my amulet is okay but again not sure if it is best in slot for this kind of build or if a well rolled green item is better
  • The Daega’s two piece seems to be working okay. I have the third piece but I don’t think it is worth it over my current shoulders. Not sure what to replace this with tbh
  • When I was lower level (60 or so) I had Stonetreaders but I have not found the level 94 version drop yet. These are the boots I want though.
  • For belt I think it is between Mythical versions of Murmurs Kiss (better stats esp. OA and DA) or Pack of Deadly Means (better skill buffs)
  • For medal, as soon as I unlock Ugdenbog area, I am going to farm for a replacement Basilisk Crest. Can’t see anything better than this but obviously desperately needs an upgrade. Any advice on what affixes/suffixes to look for would be great. Of Corrosion is probably an obvious suffix.

That’s where I have got to anyway so if you have read this far down, I thank you again.