Build check - Lazy Ice and Fire Aura Infiltrator

Hello everyone,

I wanted to build an lazy aura character, and after some research this is the build I came up with. This is a work in progress/all theory build. So constructive ideas are welcome!

ver 1.1

Play Style - The main is to be as lazy as possible. I can (hopefully) damage the mobs with aura and shooting. When they get close, I have Inquisitor’s Seal and Word of Renewal for sustain, and Pneumatic Burst for the extra boost (when with tougher enemies), while they get damaged by Aura of Censure and Veil of Shadow. So normal attack on LMB, and Inquisitor’s Seal on RMB. Bursting Round and Chilling Rounds selected as they go nicely with both auras.

Aura - Veil of Shadow (nightblade) and Aura of Censure (inquisitor) work nicely together, with a total of -49% elemental resistant, and an additional -31% cold resist rom Night’s Chill and -15% fire resist from equipment, which in turn helps Burst Round and Chill Round. 1 point in Storm Spread for WPS.

Equipment and Devotion - Equipment selections are mainly on elemental damage for BOTH normal attacks and aura. Same goes for devotion, so picking up Quill, Sholar’s Light, Hyrian, Rhowan’s Crown, and gradually to Blind Sage, and Attak Seru, the Mirage. In addition, Hydra, Frog, Jackel and Hawk are for HP leech and other resistant/defensive parameters.

health is low, very low, you might even be in 1shot range for some attacks/special hard hitting endgame enemies depending on the content you do
WPS is low, unsure why you’re not even putting a single point in storm spread?
Vigor, put atleast 1 point in, it’s just general silly not to, but also you need stats
Chest comp can be out done by Kilrian soul
i would personally slot shard of beronath as actual AA, and then probably seal of void for another wps since you’re basically an AA build mainly (aura dmg wont be that high) - but mostly because if you’re already including regular AA/“hold down left mouse button” while aura’ing, why not actually do the “most”/more aa and wps dmg when available.
Devos i’d probably try to grab viper, simply from being so ele focused with like “modest” stackable shred, so i’m assuming it might come in handy on both more and less ele resistant enemies, example Infiltrator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
*not saying this is the most optimal setup, just a quick doodle with minor changes/grabbing the 20%reduced while trying to compensate for the changes in the process
Not gonna pretend there wouldn’t probably be a way more efficient devo approach than what i quickly did, - heck for some reason i feel like maybe grabbing Crab could be decent on this thing, but unsure how much it would require diverting

HP - yea, I noticed it’s low. Probably need to change the devotion or equipment setup.

Vigor - I didn’t get it because more armor from Nightblade’s Phantasmal Armor, which has similar resistant, 118 more armor, but without the 1000hp. Probably 1 point allocation won’t hurt.

Shard of Beronath - I did consider that, and yes, I’ll change them.

Devotion - I decided to let go of Crab simply because it requires yellow, which requires initial investment and has no help for other devotion. As of Viper, that’s an interesting switch (along with others for the later devotions). States seems somewhat similar.

Guess I’ll need to think more about the HP issue.


i also noticed your armour absorb is low/only using ancient plate in leg
the way GD armour mechanic means only have 70somethnig abosorb you can end up taking a lot more physical dmg over time, which could have been reduced by just using a higher absorb comp and 1-2 more; usually most end builds try to aim for like minimum 92-94%? armour absorb
basically if you get hit by ex a 1500 dmg physical attack, no matter if you had 1500 armour or 5000 armour, because of your absorb amount you’d take minimum 300 physical dmg
Technically on its own it doesn’t sound like a lot, but then imagine you have 5-10 trash mobs attacking you, archers/gunners shooting from the back, attacking you 2x a second or more; suddenly those 300dmg x10 adds up, fast, specially over time, and specially if you’re then fighting something/focusing on a boss that hits hard in the meantime

Thanks for that, never got into the mechanism.
The current setup is so that I have fairly high DA so I evade most of the time. But yes, should replace a few with armor absorption.

I updated the grimtool in OP, a bit of the equip, skills, and devotion setups as discussed so far.

Might be an idea to use Mythical Arcanum Sigillis - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database for one of the hands. It has some better stats and +1 inq.