Build Compendium IV

Added, Thanks for the pure formating ! =)

[li][Melee][v1.0] (u) (g3) The Chaotic Grinder (spaz.killington)[/li] [list]
[li]Damage: Chaos, Vitality[/li] [li]Active Skills: Blood of Dreeg, Pneumatic Burst, Chaos Strike, Beronath’s Fury[/li] [li]Passive Skills: Solael’s Witchfire, Possession, Hellfire, Veil of Shadow[/li] [li]WPS Skills: Dual Blades Tree[/li] [/ul]

Added, Please check for Accuracy, Also Nice witchhunter build =)

Thanks for the addition.
Is there a reason why the guide was put in the Pyromancer section ?

My apologies, this is corrected.

Thanks! Looks good :slight_smile:

Any suggestions for my first build? I’d like something that can finish the game and farm without needing a ton of specific items. I’ve already tried the lazy pokemon master build but pets aren’t for me…

The other ones from this post that I’ve tried usually don’t have any AoE, I don’t know if thats the norm or if I’m giving up on the build too early (around lvl 20-25).

Vitality caster (conjurer) is a staple of “super easy and powerful builds that need nothing to work”. It was powerfull before release, and it has seen nothing but buffs (I think ?).
The issue with melee builds is lackluster AoE during leveling.
The issue with caster builds is survivability against bosses during leveling.
Vitality casters have none of these issues. The only downside is that you play an evil torturer who slowly drains the life essence from every living being to fuel his own gruesome powers.
Also, pink. Lot of pink.

Hey guys,

thinking of making a caster-like character, but I’m unsure on what to follow.

I have a Bleed Trickster, a Pet Conjurer and a 2h Lightning Warder, so I’m aiming for something with a different playstyle, more like a wizard/mage while still being fun. I have some legendaries, but if you could recommend something that isn’t too gear dependant to start would be nice.


I’m currently working on a Sword and Board Battlemage, not a clue how gear intensive it’s going to be but my recommendation to you is to theorycraft something together and ask for recommendations on how to change something. trial and error!

Recently returned to the game and picked up my Lightning/totem based Druid (Arcanist+Shaman).

Unfortunately the guide i was following is gone and I’m only level 50. I’m really enjoying the build, but I’m very squishy in Elite and my dps is slowly falling off.

I can’t improve my damage from passives and no active skills left are lightning focused. I could go for more offense through the Devotion tree though, which I’m doing, but it will take a very long time seeing as how slow I’m clearing.

Any suggestions for a similar build? I like builds where you only use 3-4 active skills, not more.

Thanks for the list!

Thx for added this. :slight_smile:

[Melee][B31][V1.0] (g3) (u) (l) Ultos, Wrath of lightning (Nandi)

 Damage: Lightning, Physical mostly with minor Bleeding
 Active Skills: Primal strike, Wendingo totem, Storm totem, Mirror of eroactes
 Passive Skills: Mogdrogen's pact, Stromcaller's pact, Maiven's Sphere of protection
 WPS Skills: None

[li][Melee][v1.0] (u) (g3) (l) Ultos, Wrath of lightning (Nandi)[/li] [list]
[li]Damage: Lightning, Physical, Bleeding[/li] [li]Active Skills: Primal strike, Wendingo totem, Storm totem, Mirror of Eroactes[/li] [li]Passive Skills: Mogdrogen’s pact, Stromcaller’s pact, Maiven’s Sphere of protection[/li] [li]WPS Skills: n/a[/li] [/ul]

Added, Check for accuracy.

I’d love to humbly request that The Ch’thonic Necromancer be added to the compendium :slight_smile:

  • [li][v1.0][Pet][Melee][Caster] (u) (vid) (g5) The Ch’thonic Necromancer (Klo0ga)[/li][LIST]
  • Damage: Chaos, Fire
  • Active Skills: Blood of Dreeg, Flash Bang, Solael’s Flame, Chaos Strike, Invocation to Chaos, Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound
  • Passive Skills: Bonds of Bysmiel, Solael’s Witchfire, Possession, Flame Touched, Blast Shield, Fire Strike, Vindictive Flame, Ancestral Bond, Conjure Black Scourge
  • WPS Skills:


Nice builds

[li][v1.0][Pet][Melee][Caster] (u) (vid) (g5) The Ch’thonic Necromancer (Klo0ga)[/li] [LIST]
[li]Damage: Chaos, Fire[/li] [li]Active Skills: Blood of Dreeg, Flash Bang, Solael’s Flame, Chaos Strike, Invocation to Chaos, Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound[/li] [li]Passive Skills: Bonds of Bysmiel, Solael’s Witchfire, Possession, Flame Touched, Blast Shield, Fire Strike, Vindictive Flame, Ancestral Bond, Conjure Black Scourge[/li] [li]WPS Skills: [/li] [/ul]

Added, Nice work on making a new Pet Class … Pet Classes are always near and dear to my heart.

Thanks very much! Yeah, pet classes can be good fun. I tried approaching it differently so it’s a much more active/involved playstyle.

Pls add this. :slight_smile:

[Melee][v1.0] (u) (g3) (l) Vampire (Nandi)
Damage: Bleeding, Physical, Pierce.
Active Skills: Blitz, Blade Arc, Wendingo Totem, Devouring Swam, Savagery.
Passive Skills: Modrogens Pact, Field Command, Primal Bond, Void - Ward Aura.
WPS Skills: None

[li][Melee][v1.0] (u) (g3) (l) Vampire (Nandi)[/li] [list]
[li]Damage: Bleeding, Physical, Pierce[/li] [li]Active Skills: Blitz, Blade Arc, Wendingo Totem, Devouring Swam, Grasping Vines[/li] [li]Passive Skills: Modrogens Pact, Field Command, Primal Bond, Void - Ward Aura, Counter Strike[/li] [li]WPS Skills: n/a[/li] [/ul]

Added, Please check for Accuracy

Hey Cryo, I think you need to add a new segment to your build list design, which is confirmed power in Crucible Arenas. Build author can just denote the highest Crucible/Gladiator wave they have reached, like [C89] or [G136] or the like. On which note, I wish for an amendment to my build, the Shadow’s Chill build for Spellbreakers, to have it be set to Gladiator 140 [G140] as my personal record wave. Without 100% optimal gear, at that. Which means my build is pretty much confirmed for G150 once I get those last few items I need, or MAYBE I actually use a consumable for that wave, rolf.