Build Compendium VI

The three tactician builds on the compendium all rely on certain fullproof concepts

-Autentist’s Retaliator is using the age-old never to fail retaliation concept
-Forcewave Build is a DoT build if I understood it correctly. DoT builds rarely fail
-Auramancer is still a good concept but you would need to hybridize it with some other “lazy” concept like retaliation or “something else” to make it work as offensive devotion binding isn’t possible anymore

Not sure what you mean by a tactician build misleading people. None of these mislead anyone

sorry I am just releasing my anger after farming for days for that helm…

I am referring to this guy, I will not discuss here anymore.

[Melee/Caster] HC Multi-Proc Lightning Caster For All Content / Beginner Friendly (Pyroscar)

Damage : Lightning/Electrocute, minumum Aether/Cold
Active Skills : Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Wendigo Totem, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Savagery, Radiant Shield
Passive Skills : Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller’s Pact, Stormcaller Aura, Word of Renewal

Ty dikkie!

[Caster] [] Wrath of Callidor: Return of the Glorious Melee Sorcerer (u)(c+)(g3)(vid) (Mad_Lee)
Damage: Aether, bit of elemental
Active Skills: Callidor’s Tempest, Devastation, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Aether Corruption, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Olexra’s Flash Freeze
Passive Skills: Star Pact, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Aether Weapons, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Flame Touched, Vindictive Flame

[Melee] Bleeding Trickster…everything bleeds! (Rhylthar)

Damage : Bleeding
Active Skills : Savagery, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Devouring Swarm, Entangling Vines, Blade Barrier
Passive Skills : Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller’s Pact, Seal of Blades, Veil of Shadow, Pneumatic Burst, (Tenacity of the Boar)
WPS Skills : Execution, Belgothian´s Shears, Whirling Death

[Melee] Aether defiler - a definitely not dead build (Safarel)

  • Damage : Aether
  • Active Skills : Fire strike, Flashbang, Bone Harvest, Siphon Souls, Mark of Torment, Gaze of Beronath, Aether Corruption, Bloodthirster
  • Passive Skills : Flame Touched, Vindictive Flame, Harbinger of Souls, Spectral Binding, Iskandra’s Unity
  • WPS Skills : Direwolf Claw, Reaping Strike

[Ranged/Auramancer] Eternal Shine (ArchHeretic)

[ul][li]Damage: Fire, lightning, chaos.[/li][li]Active Skills: Fire strike, Flashbang, Word of pain, Rune of Kalastor, Blackwater cocktail, Thermite mines, Word of renewal.[/li][li]Passive Skills: Flame touched, Vindictive flame, Aura of Censure, Flame of Gar’Dal, Deadly aim.[/li][li]WPS Skills: Bursting round, Storm spread, Chilling rounds, Burning void #1, Burning void #2, Blazing fury.[/li]

[Melee] [] (u) (c+) (g3) (vid) DW Cold Melee Infiltrator (all content viable except Ravager) (Weyu)

  • Damage: Cold, Frostburn
  • Active Skills: Shard of Beronath, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Inquisitor’s Seal, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Pneumatic Burst, Word of Renewal, Rune of Hagarrad
  • Passive Skills: Aura of Conviction, Veil of Shadow
  • WPS Skills: Belgothian’s Shears, Amarasta’s Quick Cut, Whirling Death, Execution

Finally got a new build up. Thanks as usual.

@ Dikkiedik
I added some videos, can you please change that in the Compendium (Bleeding Trickster)?
Thank you. :slight_smile:

[melee] [] (u) (c+) (vid) (g4) Aether Death Knight (BS666)

Damage: Aether
Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, Warcry, Overguard, Mark of Torment, Siphon Souls, Krieg’s Wrath, Haunt, Aether Corruption
Passive Skills: Field Command, Oleron’s Rage, Spectral Biding
WPS Skills: Reaping Strike

[Fire Caster] [Taco Bell Defiler](

Damage: Fire
Active Skills: Ravenous Earth, Siphon Souls, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Thermite Mines, Mark of Torment
Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Spectral Binding, Master of Death, Burning Weapons, Vindicative Flame
WPS Skills: None

Please use the name here

[pet][] (u)(g3) Tactical Rites Lightning Ritualist (AetherFire)

Damage: Lightning / Vitality -> Lightning
Active Skills: Wind Devil, Raise Skeletons, Skeletal Servant, Summon Blight Fiend, Summon Briathorn,
Passive Skills: Call of the Beast, Call of the Grave, Sovereign, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Master Of Death, Spark of Ultos (Weapon), Electrifying Weapons (Hell Bane’s Ammo), Aether-Ward (Purified Salt)
WPS Skills: Reaping Strike

please use the format everybody else uses on this forum, this way its easier for me to add them

[li][melee/caster/pet][Version number] (u)(c+)(vid)(g3) [buildname](link to build) (Forumname)[/li][list]
[li]Damage: text[/li]
[li]Active Skills: text[/li]
[li]Passive Skills: text[/li]
[li]WPS Skills: text[/li] [/ul]


Sorry, I’m new to forum codes and rules. I edited my original post.

[pet][] (u)(g3) Tactical Rites Lightning Ritualist (AetherFire)

Damage: Lightning / Vitality -> Lightning
Active Skills: Wind Devil, Raise Skeletons, Skeletal Servant, Summon Blight Fiend, Summon Briathorn,
Passive Skills: Call of the Beast, Call of the Grave, Sovereign, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Master Of Death, Spark of Ultos (Weapon), Electrifying Weapons (Hell Bane’s Ammo), Aether-Ward (Purified Salt)
WPS Skills: Reaping Strike

no problem, can happen.

thanks for understanding though :slight_smile:

Np :slight_smile: And thanks for your understanding, too.

[Caster][] (u)(vid)(g4) Lightning Obliteration Vindicator - Fun Builds with Passing Through Elemental Electrocute Beam (TZ Tz)
Damage: Lightning
Active Skills: Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Wendigo Totem, Storm Totem, Wind Devil
Passive Skills: Aura of Conviction, Deadly Aim, Mogdrogen’s Pact
WPS Skills: None

[Caster][] (u)(vid)(g4) Lightning Obliteration Elementalist (TZ Tz)
Damage: Lightning
Active Skills: Flashbang, Wendigo Totem, Storm Totem, Wind Devil
Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Blast Shield, Vindictive Flame, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller’s Pact
WPS Skills: None

[Caster/Pet][] (u)(vid)(g4) Lightning Obliteration Conjurer - Raven’s Healing - Briarthorn Physical Shield (TZ Tz)
Damage: Lightning
Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Summon Familiar, Summon Briarthorn, Wendigo Totem, Storm Totem, Wind Devil
Passive Skills: Bonds of Bysmiel, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller’s Pact
WPS Skills: None

[Caster][] (u)(vid)(g4) Freezing Burning Lightning Sorceress (TZ Tz)
Damage: Lightning
Active Skills: Stun Jacks, Thermite Mine, Mirror of Ereoctes, Trozan’s Sky Shard, Nullification
Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Blast Shield, Vindictive Flame, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Star Pact, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity, Fabric of Reality
WPS Skills: None

[Caster][] (u)(vid)(g4) After Burner Mage Hunter - Lock Your Target With Massive Fire Burn AoE - Rapid Ammo Reload System (TZ Tz)
Damage: Fire, Burn
Active Skills: Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Rune of Calastor, Mirror of Ereoctes, Callidor’s Tempest, Nullification
Passive Skills: Aura of Conviction, Deadly Aim, Artifact Handling, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity
WPS Skills: None

[Caster][] (u)(vid)(g4) Burning Sorceress - Phoenix Summoner with Air to Surface Missile (TZ Tz)
Damage: Fire, Burn
Active Skills: Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Mirror of Ereoctes, Callidor’s Tempest, Nullification
Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Blast Shield, Vindictive Flame, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Reckless Power, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity, Fabric of Reality
WPS Skills: None

Thanks Dikkie :slight_smile:

[Auramancer/caster/melee] Heretic Auracaster(ArchHeretic)

Damage: Fire, lightning.
Active Skills: Chaos Strike, Shar’Zul’s Wrath, Word of pain, Curse of frailty, Storm box of Elgoloth, Rune of Kalastor, Word of renewal, Blood of Dreeg, Bloody pox, Kymon’s Wrath Tincture.
Passive Skills: Aura of Censure, Flame of Gar’Dal, Ignaffar’s presence, Solael’s witchfire, Deadly aim.
WPS Skills: -

[Cold Caster]  [Cold based Drain Essence Spellbinder]( (Chthon)

Damage: Cold
Active Skills: Necrosis, Ill Omen, Mirror of Ereoctes, Drain Essence, Nullification, Trozan's Sky Shard, Mark of Torment
Passive Skills: Master of Death, Spectral Binding, Iskandra's Elemental Exchange, Maiven's Sphere of Protection
WPS Skills: None

Use the name I posted here
Thank you

[Ranged] (u)(g4)(c+) Ulzuin’s Aegis, a (kind of) tanky Purifier (actuanpanda)

	Damage: Fire
	Active Skills: Firestrike, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Thermite Mines, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal
	Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Vindictive Flame, Aura of Conviction
	WPS Skills:Bursting Round, Storm Spread, Stun Blast