Hi, @Stupid_Dragon !
Here are two builds worth memorizing in Compendium .
[Channeler] [] (sr)(vid) Mayhem Unspeakable - Chaos Drain Essence Cabalist (Willnoword)
- Damage: Chaos
- Active Skills: Drain Essence, Ill Omen, Bloody Pox, Sigil of Consumption, Displacement, Mark of Torment, Blood of Dreeg, Solael’s Flame
- Passive Skills: Solael’s Witchfire, Spectral Binding, Possession
- WPS Skills: None
[Spam Caster] [] (sr+)(vid) Gaze Unfathomable - Rotgheist Spam Vitality Dreeg’s Evil Eye Conjurer (Willnoword)
- Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
- Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Bloody Pox, Curse of Frailty, Devouring Swarm, Wendigo Rush, Wendigo Totem, Blood of Dreeg
- Passive Skills: Solael’s Witchfire, Possession, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Blood Rite
- WPS Skills: None
Thank you!