Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

  • [Pet Hybrid] [] (sr-) (vid) (L) [The Punisher Doggo - Pet Pyromancer] (Slima)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Summon Hellhound, Summon Familiar, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Stormfire, Burning Rift, Sovereign
    • Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Blast Shield, Bonds of Bysmiel, Possession, Solael’s Witchfire, Presence of Might, Fiendmaster, Mogdrogen’s Ardor
    • WPS Skills: None

Could you, please, add my new build to the compendium? Thank you!

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