The buffs to Callidor’s Tempest made this build a breeze.
[Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) (mi) [Something Else Clever about Stomping]: Chaos Callidor’s Tempest Sorcerer. (SR80, controller friendly) (Bagel)
- Damage: Chaos
- Active Skills: Callidor’s Tempest, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Mirror of Ereoctes, Leap
- Passive Skills: Reckless Power, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Flame Touched, Vindictive Flame, Void Weapons x2
I also updated [Something Clever about Stomping]: Callidor's Tempest Spellbinder. (SR 80, controller friendly) for, by which I mean I mentioned in it that it got a huge buff in