Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

It is a pretty daunting task to reformat and repull everything together for this Compendium so he def needs them good vibes :smiley:

I’ve had to do it with a few of my threads but I got nothing nowhere near this scope. Still, it pays to master the new editing functions the new forum offers. They are miles beyond what we had and they can enable him to condense the Compendium considerably - making it vastly easier to read and use.

So, here’s hoping @veretragna sticks it out and bangs it back together for everyone.

For an example of what I mean, veretragna, take a look here:

[TOOL] GD Switcher v1.1

…and see what I did with mine for some ideas perhaps. @adoomgod did something similar with his farming guide also:

Farming Routes/Farming Guides Compilation