Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

Hiho, please add this to the Compendium, many thanks! :slight_smile:

  • [Melee] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) (vid) (L) War Druid of Cairn - Bleeding Druid (Rhylthar)
  • Damage: Bleed, Pierce (a little bit)
  • Active Skills: Savagery, Devouring Swarm, Entangling Vines, Wendigo Totem, Nullification, Violent Delights
  • Passive Skills: Iskandra´s Elemental Exchange, Maiven´s Sphere of Protection, Mogdrogen´s Pact, Primal Bond
  • WPS Skills: Feral Hunger, Upheaval

I am not quite sure about the Leveling guide because it´s only a link to another build. I can change it if it´s not sufficient.

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