Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

  • [Pets] [] (mi) (cr+) (sr+)(vid) The return of Crucible pets - Acid/Bleed Ghol Ritualist (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Pet Acid, Pet Bleed
    • Active Skills: Raise Skeletons, Summon Blight Fiend, Summon Briarthorn, Summon Eldritch Talon, Conjure Primal Spirit, Devouring Swarm, Wendigo Totem, Ravenous Earth, Bone Harvest, Call of the Grave, Sovereign, Mark of Torment, Amatok’s Breath
    • Passive Skills: Primal Bond, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Spectral Binding, Mogdrogen’s Ardor, Void-Ward, Presence of Might