I am regularly getting the shortage of builders warning but I have set max builders to over 200 and I have a Labour pool of over 500. What is stopping the game from just taking all the builders it needs or have I misunderstood something.
Hi, is the location that is in disrepair accessible? Once I had the issue that a part of the wall was blocked by water and it could not be repaired anymore.
Hi Interesting idea, but no there are three unrepaired buildings. A large cow Barn, Large Goat Barn and a Chicken Shed. All accessible, all close to each other.
Edit; indeed they have all been repaired quite quickly seems the problem may just be the false warning not the repairing.
I have the same situation. For 900 residents there are 75 builders and not enough. The walls started to collapse. I assigned 130 builders, but they either rest, or admire nature, or visit a neighbor, but do not repair. The buildings do not require repair, only the wall, and the number increases and the wall collapses. What happened?
Figured it out, the wall is in 3 rows, the inner row cannot be serviced
It would be nice that, that still can be fixed on a little distance way or teleported. Otherwise you never can build more than 2 rows.
Build 2 rows, have a small gap so builders can get at both sides, then build another 2 rows.
Good idea.