By Empyrion!

one would assume it’s a Zealot (serker+oath) from the guardians mention, so their fire “theme” is probably being carried over by set or modifier or something
Or do we dare hope this type stuff is automatic/no modifier or set necessary ? :thinking: - so like Blade Spirits change automatic too :hushed:

Inside you there are two wolves…

Now they’re outside you!


awsome,now give us the option to make the guardians an aura,i hate those guardians lol

they are an aura, each :grin:

Unironically, I’d buy like a 5 bucks reskin of Blade spirits at this point. God I’ve grown to hate the skill so much over the years.

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And we are one step closer to having a Werewolf druid summoning Wolves… :stuck_out_tongue: Awesome!

It’d be cool if it were like human clones

Hmm. I know of one John Bourbon who I think you might have much in common with.

I was happy to have met Master Zantai in one of the lives yesterday showing and commenting on the new class, it was missing to show some things like this topic and the new map, but some masteries we have already seen, great live.

Is Mogdrogen, Amatok, Empyrion (if that’s its real name anyway), or any combination of the three going to be mad about these Guardians?

empyrion apparently didn’t get upset about scions of dreeg, why would he get mad about some puppies :grin:

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Empyrion’s Rent-A-Guardian Emporium

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