Can anyone explain why cadence at 100% wps sometime hits every 2 and sometimes every 3 attacks?

yes, just slap on OA
when you mouse over your Offensive ability in char sheet it will tell you the hit chance of your last target, this case dummy, then you just raise OA until you get 101%
Can do that with cunning attributes or OA devos or some blank jewellery/jewellery with OA stats on them and slap roiling blood? OA component in them
you need around 2400 OA to get 100% hit chance on dummy, depending on if it spawns as lvl 101, 102 or 103 on Ultimate, 2200oa if on Normal

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oh yea, i’d probably also recommend doing a try without Quick Cuts/Mutilate, and just use the direct strike wps, zolhan (it’s just execution animation)
that way you eliminate those strikes where 3 singles leads into cadence mid swing

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I tested it myself, indeed cadence hit sometimes occurs without attack from the other hand and then sometimes cadence hit occurs with wps attack from the other hand. Even though my build has 100% wps Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

You can easily see this if you click attack once every second instead of continuous click hold on the dummy.

Actual DPS of cadence is much lower than its paper DPS because of this. The only saving grace of cadence is deadly momentum

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so basically wps has no effect on the frequency of cadence proc, and all dual wielding does is increase proc frequency from every 3rd to 2.5 strikes. Honestly doesn’t feel like a substantial buff to cadence if dual wielding vs 2h.

I have a fantasy where cadence can charge on every weapon hit instead of every attack/mouseclick instance. So for example the 3 strikes of AQC would charge and discharge one full cycle (charge, charge, discharge). And all the other wps would count as two charges.

If so, 100% wps would have some pretty interesting behavior. For example a series of cadence strikes would look like this:

  1. wps hit - 2 charges, cadence primed
  2. wps hit - discharge, 1 cadence charge
  3. wps hit - charge, discharge
    4 wps hit - charge, charge
  4. charge, discharge.
  5. AQC - charge, charge, discharge
  6. etc…

Would that be too overpowered tho?

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probably yes

1 type does as i mentioned earlier, Volley class, Chill rounds type (not storm spread),
and if you make a “pure” volley class wps Cadence build you will get a pretty fast Cadence gunner, (obv the items block a bunch of slots so it gets pretty meme)

i get the sense cadence is actually preferred on dw over 2h because the speed difference does matter for Cadence even if the hit is smaller, atleast seems to have been the sentiment by the “experts” in feedback or balancing threads (unless i’m mixing that up/remembering wrong).
One of the reasons being lack of aoe and lifesteal on the first 2 hits, so even if 1h cadence dmg is lower than 2h, you’re just getting that aoe and lifesteal faster by getting the cadence discharge faster.

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