Can Diviner set get its cooldown reduction to Devastation back?

After the Devastation rework Diviner lost some target area and cooldown reduction to Devastation, which translated to a decent nerf to the set. Even vitality version with star pact and eternity is not able to keep 100% uptime on Devastation and aether version is way worse

After and before patch


The nerf worked then?

It did but I dont see the reason for it. Only asking for cooldown reduction back, the big nerf to damage was target area

To be transparent with the results before the nerfs. Lowish aoe squishy caster with mean single target damage - which was addressed by the removal of target area mod. Reducing the devastation cooldown wont change much other than reposition will be smoother, should probably be added to the base skill instead of Diviner set

What were the nerfs based on, Ravager timer where devastation can fully shine while reflecting every sunder?
Two pretty irrelevant skills, never used on strong builds, finally got some spotlight only to be nerfed one minute later


That’s literally the only reason why I never go for any kind of devastation build. The fact that you always have to recast but are not able to due to CD makes the skill very unattractive to me.

Other lingering skills can either be recast immediatly (Thermite Mines) or have low-ish cooldown (grasping vines, totems, inq seal, ravenous earth, sigil of consumption) - Devastation on the other hand keeps going even if you get away from it and you just have to wait for it to be usable again. It just feels like wasted damage potential when it’s still going on but no enemies are in that area any more. It just does not feel satisfying to me - especially in SR

I personally would much rather have a devastation which does less damage, but can be recast faster than a devastation with big damage, but long CD.

how bad is full diviner aether devas now?

Aether version went from around 46sec ravager to 56sec. I havent tested in other content after the nerfs but it never stood out in any way and certainly didnt get better with this deva uptime.

I was happy with some strong rotation casters in this DW melee era, not very tanky since both DA and armor are hard to get for these archetypes, but single target punch was atleast there

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