can somebody help me buff my cabalist a bit?

I have come up with the idea of a ‘scaremancer’ cabalist, basically a plaguemancer making use of Ill Omen and the Mythical Greaves of Ill Omen
I have cleared all quests with it and it was a lot of fun, there are however still some bosses that are too hard for it
the main reason for that is that it’s still a bit squishy, 9k life, 2.3k OA, close to 2.2k DA

does anyone have any ideas to buff it, without killing the idea behind it?
it’s just so much fun to see everything fleeing in terror…


can anyone shed some light on this?

I’ll start by saying I’m no expert, I keep starting new characters before I can finish the old ones so I have no real experience dealing with the tougher monsters (generally I get to 80-85, complete elite, do 150 wave aspirant crucible and I get inspired :p).

Not knowing what is causing the most damage (I generally don’t always), health looks a bit low as well as armour, so my first guess would be that physical damage is the problem (big hits, low armour, low life pool, no shield).

What I would try personally is to update the components to get some %armour and armour absorption and possibly a bit of health. I would probably try getting Abominable Might on ravenous earth instead of the optional point in manticore for a start.
I think that the game updates health to the same percentage if your max changes so, unless I’m missing something, it should provide aproximately 15% less damage taken while activated or make you able to take 20% more beating depending on your perspective.

I am a bit ignorant when it comes to overcapping resistances, I don’t really know what is, when it is or even to which degree it is important to overcap, but it could also be an issue.

Look I only took a brief look at it but I assume it’s a Poison Cabalist

That’s what you should aim for. My setup is different cause I have MIs. Since you lack MIs I went more defensive in devotions and picked Master of Death over Possession. With MIs helping you out you should be able to get a standard setup
Badge of Mastery is +5 Doom Bolt

Boots can be crafted at any blacksmith provided you have the Blueprint

Hope that helped

Not knowing what is causing the most damage (I generally don’t always), health looks a bit low as well as armour, so my first guess would be that physical damage is the problem (big hits, low armour, low life pool, no shield).

What I would try personally is to update the components to get some %armour and armour absorption and possibly a bit of health. I would probably try getting Abominable Might on ravenous earth instead of the optional point in manticore for a start.
I think that the game updates health to the same percentage if your max changes so, unless I’m missing something, it should provide aproximately 15% less damage taken while activated or make you able to take 20% more beating depending on your perspective.

if I understand correctly what you’re saying here, the first part isn’t really helpful
simply because this is a caster (I have always understood that armor isn’t the way to go for that) and it deals poison and vitality damage instead of physical
hence the reason why I don’t use a shield, casters use offhands
%armor and armor absorption will not do I guess…

then using abominable might is of course also an issue, as the only thing that really does for my build is the +25% health, which is of course huge but also the only benefit of using that skill, as I don’t specialise in chaos damage and there shouldn’t be too much physical damage to convert to it (it has FOUR physical damage total!!!)
then again, 25%… wow… I may consider it
how does that work? is the 25% permanent or is it granted when an enemy dies?

Look I only took a brief look at it but I assume it’s a Poison Cabalist

That’s what you should aim for. My setup is different cause I have MIs. Since you lack MIs I went more defensive in devotions and picked Master of Death over Possession. With MIs helping you out you should be able to get a standard setup
Badge of Mastery is +5 Doom Bolt

Boots can be crafted at any blacksmith provided you have the Blueprint

Hope that helped

yes it is a poison cabalist, combined with vitality that is
and yes, I also have the recipe so I can of course try to craft the boots
what I asked for was a way to buff my build without killing the idea
and because there is no other item that grants me automatic ill omen besides the greaves of ill omen… well… that will not do…

your take looks very creative to me though, adding elemental as well as chaos damage to the mix and huge amounts of OA
I will definitely be saving that link for another cabalist, because it’s another beast… entirely…

to both of you, your help is greatly appreciated but it didn’t really help me much with THIS build!

am I to assume that what I have now is simply all that it is capable of?

I am refering to the damage you receive, armour helps mitigating physical damage.

You’re wearing relatively light armour and not scaling it, so I was thinking that it might feel better if you adjusted the components to get a bit of armour scaling and get the absorption up from 70% (so you use the armour you’ve got more effectively).

I mentioned Abominable Might because it was just a single point to get it, not really changing anything (mainly a decision between the 20 offensive ability and the proc).
Ofc even if it works like I think, it still only works if there’s something to kill during the fight (not going to proc if there isn’t :))

I am refering to the damage you receive, armour helps mitigating physical damage.

You’re wearing relatively light armour and not scaling it, so I was thinking that it might feel better if you adjusted the components to get a bit of armour scaling and get the absorption up from 70% (so you use the armour you’ve got more effectively).

I mentioned Abominable Might because it was just a single point to get it, not really changing anything (mainly a decision between the 20 offensive ability and the proc).
Ofc even if it works like I think, it still only works if there’s something to kill during the fight (not going to proc if there isn’t )

two points to get it, but still, that is actually worth considering
I would then remove the point from Eye of the Guardian and lose Acid Spray
putting the points into Abomination
then I would put Tainted Eruption on DEE and Abominable Might on Ravenous Earth
one problem with that, Abominable might has an 18 second recharge, resulting in Ravenous Earth proccing nothing most of the time, but when it procs, great defensive buff!

unfortunately as my gear is now, I need all my components for resists so %armor and armor reduction will not be coming from there
unless of course someone knows a better source for my resists

It can probably be done better, but I would probably end up with something like: (I can’t post links because I registered to answer this post… not at 3 posts just yet, or well wasn’t)

that is very friendly indeed! thanks, I’ll take a look

ok, I see what you’ve done there
I wonder if that really does anything though…
the 18 second cooldown stays in place, and that does make it a bit unreliable
if in a sketchy situation, I would have to hope that it will proc in time to give me that extra defensive boost

I do like that you have put rumor on curse of frailty, they fit nicely together
that also makes ill omen proc acid spray, does that really make a difference though?
all in all it is an extra proc, which is really nice, and it gained me +2 OA (jay!) :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, your next post will be your fourth

funny coincidence, today this topic was opened, very similar question it seems:

this was very inspiring, resulting in my build now looking like this:

basically I went a bit more vit, dropping DEE, and got some ADCTH as well as some damage absorption and -OA
it really changes nothing to my HP and OA and DA, but it should make a significant difference