I was fine through normal/vet literlly zero problems. Elite was alittle harder but managed. Act 3-4 on elite were rough a lot of deaths mostly 1sec deaths nothing I could of done. Get to Ultimate die to any champion pack instantly.
http://grimcalc.com/build/5WZEsI is my spec and devo
The last 5 points of Devo i was going to put into Kraken.
I am level 62
8284 health
1600 Offensive Ability
1500 Defensive ability
attributes :
35 into phy
28 into cunning
0 into spirit
Ive mainly been trying to keep attackspeed,phys%,bleed and trauma.
I wouldnt say my gear is bad all the jewelery is attackspeed-%bleed damage-%phys damage. All my armor is %phys %bleed %trauma with cunning and physique
I have always been pretty serious about video games I have thousands of hours into games such as world of warcraft and Diablo I’d say im a bit more serious of a gamer. I just dont understand why Elite-Ultimate are almost unplayable with my gear and setup