I tried to cancel the harversting of stones as villageres ignored priority building and cutting trees. First the villagers ignored the order, then the “Prioritized” checkbox was activated and now cannot be deselected.
It’s below a build site. Placing a build site on resources like stone and wood requires the build site to be cleared first, and so it’s prioritized. You have to remove the build site first in order to cancel it. Otherwise, if you want it to be built in that spot you have to let them clear the stone.
Thanks, I’m aware of the build site. Maybe I was not clear, I tried to cancel the build site after stopping the construction & stone removal tasks (elsewhere). I was blocked from doing so, upon trying to cancel the building (on the top corner), the clearing site switched to “priority” and I could not unselect targets/tasks/checkboxes so everybody died.
I gave up on this map, but I did not have this response in others. It seems like random bugs, on another I just had random constructions spawning without any input.
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