Well, funny thing is, we probably couldn’t afford to make scripted destructible environments, however, unscripted aren’t that bad because, while it takes a larger initial effort to create the system, once it is done you can use it throughout the game without much additional cost per instance. It is also more programming intensive than art, design, or animation, which we are tighter on.
So it may be possible to kick a burning wagon down hill in to a group of enemies? THAT would be such a cool sequence. Combining all the destructible items with explosives and grenades could leave the world in a bit of a mess.
Also is the destruction permanent or when you reload a map will it all be reset to be destroyed again?
Yes, the world will be ready to be destroyed all over again. While it can be kind of cool to see permanent destruction, we’d have to save a lot to memory and this game is really more about being able to play through areas multiple times.
That’s great and as one replays through the game more and more cool ways to interact with the destructible environments and enemies will be found.
Keep up the good work.
ohhhhhh drools
looking good,
Although I’m curious if you were to damage to much of the area around you would it make it ‘impossible’ to get from one place to another, ie going down the stair to kill the Giant Zombie Men in the background would be blocked by the fallen rubble. Pretty much do you walk over it or does it disappear after a while?
Following on from this would it be possible to block the passage of enemies by falling an arch way in front of them, thus giving an extra defensive wall for a time?
Also I take it would be impossible to make your self stuck by destroying the bridge supports causing a bridge to collapse that You need to cross in a minute.
Broken objects can be configured to have different behaviors with regards to pathing. Most, like the arch, are set to always be pathable. In this case, the rubble causes damage to enemies it strikes on the way down but once it is on the ground, you can walk through it and it fades away after a couple seconds.
An object like a door can be set to block pathing until broken. Another possibility is to set an object to block pathing once broken. We would never set an object to be destructible or block playing pathing if it prevented the player from getting somewhere we intended for them to go.
I can already sense that we’ll be seeing hidden entrances blocked by destructible wall or something like that. I really hope you’ll be able to create some secrets that aren’t so obvious to find and you might actually miss it if you aren’t paying a good attention to your surroundings. Always a pleasure to find new things you didn’t think to even exist at your first playthroughs.
Then you should not be able to destroy them with your aura (or should you and take some damage instead?).
At least your aggressive pets should not attack them.