Alright, so since spam PS is kinda hated (well, maybe not hated per se, but skill mods put emphasis on CD version of the skill), and CD variant getting some buffs in, I’ve decided to tinker around and put together a build that would make the most use of those changes.
That’s what I came up with:
I looked at it and thought, “this looks promising”, but then confusion struck me. I realized that there’s no particular reason for me to use Dawnshard armor, I just can slap Ultos chest and get a crapton of skill points? I mean, it grants a bunch of health and a decent DA, but that’s about it.
Anyhoo, if I do end up using 4-piece Ultos, this will be just one step away from using the full set! Funny enough, far as CD PS goes, using Ultos weapon is almost identical to using that MI halberd (you get ~2 sec CD in both cases). You get comparable AoE increase, and a decent chunk of flat lightning and electrocute damage to PS, as well as global CDR, as well as phys res, as well as two damage procs. All the while MI weapon provides is… some questionable VF mod that basically mimics Pyroclasm Mark for some reason. Bottom line, this mod should at least have something more to offer - be it increased radius, decreased cooldown or, god forbid, ADCTH.
Am I just overthinking this, perhaps? If so, I’d like hear your opinions on itemization, guys and gals. Is Ultos that universal?
same issue for me
when you go primal strike, with lightning/phys dmg(Wyrm) Ultos seems like “well it fits so that’s it” - and then you end up with the question “why not just go spam too anyway”; since it’s often(/always?) better anyway, and just 1pt or even full set away 
never once been able to make a GT with cd primal strike where i either didn’t just end up with the last point in thunderous, or couldn’t justify the investment for CD/vs DoT trying to max 2 full attack skill lines, or feeling like there wasn’t enough CDR to make it worth it.
So only if when insisting on going ranged do you “lock” yourself out of the full set option; but unless it’s an off dmg type, Ultos just seem too good and too easy to not use for lightning/phys
don’t think there is much or anything wrong with that, it is afterall a fully dedicated set, so makes set that is has some decent or widespread universal use when using that skill
Yep. And of course there’s nothing wrong that a dedicated set would fit a damage type it’s designed for. But this makes me wonder, is that MI just a “placeholder” till you get the full set? I thought of using that halberd since I’m already maxing VF for total speed anyway, so might as well get some extra damage going while I’m at it. But compared to other damage sources, it looks like a drop in the ocean, and it’s a rather boring mod overall.
can’t speak for it’s “proper” intended purpose, maybe it was never intended to be an endgame CDR weapon, maybe it was
i’ve also not tested myself nor paid attention to forum if it is better/worse than full Ultos even if going CD primal strike - main problem for me is on appearance the CD melee version looks like a “waste” so i’m not interested in playing it when i can go spam, and just go full ultos anyway
but, since Z is now giving CD primal strike some attention, maybe also in an attempt to make all those ranged CD weaps worthwhile, it could be Halberd CD primal strike either gets some (needed?) love/or becomes worthwhile on its own merit just by “accidental” complementary buffs to CD PS ?
I agree all of this conversation and I want to add a little detail aswell. When you use full ultos set to make a CD PS+Savagery build, you’ll end up with extra 60 points which is not enough for any other 2nd mastery, not even mentioning Elementalist. Like this Shaman, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
So even complete ultos set prevents you to utilize PS as nuke. All roads leads to spam PS…
That’s the main issue of this halberd. The PS mods are fine, but obviously for endgame most classes will just pick 5p ultos (except for a custom setup that basically needs a triple rare to be better than ultos) except maybe elementalist. For elementalist to actually use this item, the mod to VF needs a big buff imo or maybe some additional mod to e.g. flame touched.