Change %Vitality damage on Abom's second node

With that logic you can add any %damage to any T3 devotion because someone would surely have a gimmicky idea to use it with conversion items.

It ends up choosing between 98% of Abomination users that use it for Acid or Chaos builds and 0,1% of the players who decided to use it for a gimmicky converted to Vitality Proc.


DG provides a huge damage boost (almost 400%) and Abom does nothing. I highly doubt that some mediocre flat dots can overweight this.
Then again, all t3 constellations support 1-2 damage types (like Torch - fire/burn, Ultos - cold/lightning etc).
Abom is the only one that has 3rd damage type that literally makes no sense both to acid/chaos and vit builds.

For taking Abomination you must have acid->vit convertation . mmm How many items have this convertation?
And maybe you forgot mechanics of DoT - crit scaling is the one of the best rout for boost your damage , and taking Abomination instead of DG is madness

It want to buffs , yeah. But not for abomination . That want global rework for decay sources and suppot from items.
And then - all t3 must have 2 damage type . not 3

and this. the chaos-acid part of the devo map is very poor for %crit so you can’t hope to land high crits as it happens with bleed and ele dots.

Many. You can get 100% global Acid -> Vit with Weapon +Offhand alone, or even just Offhand if you use Blood Orb, which will leave you open to taking most 4pc sets of your choosing.

I’m afraid that Abomination can’t be a Blind Sage for chaos/vit/acid builds. I don’t know how strong the proc should be to overperform 370% damage boost from DG


80% Vitality damage is not harming anyone so why bother remove it? If some Acid/Chaos builds that go Abomination are lacking on stats like DA, then just ask for some to be added and give examples of such builds that could do with the stat boost.

Exotic builds add more variety to the game. I wouldn’t say they are the only builds that should be considered but they should not be ignored either.

Desperatly waiting for that sweet chaos damage added to Empyrion.


but what purpose does it serve? the purpose “just to be”? as I’ve never seen a Decay build or a Vit build that took Abom because of those 80%.

and here we go. just a couple of my builds, I’m sure there also more.

And noone has decay duration.
Nice dot builds :grinning:

I’m absolutly agree with Ceno
Old fine builds with Blood Orb
It’s classic :slight_smile:

Don’t destroy the history of GD


Because it’s a useless stat on T3 devotion nod? Because every %damage T3 devotion nod gives something else; acid builds end up being with useless 80% to Vitality damage while other builds have extra OA/DA or res.

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:point_up:give this man 180% to Vitality and 20% Vitality Res

Oh no, I can’t get a duration stat on two items of my character! #deadbuild

Crimson Lotus/Rotgheist will give you 100%-200% uptime on all Poison/Decay sources on a Cabalist.

bleed somewhere
and not only bleed, all powerful dots have ~400% duration and high values.

I don’t understand why this would be a comparison worth making. The question of how powerful Vitality Decay is is not up for debate and it’s irrelevant to this thread entirely.

Yes, we are going off topic again. The OP (lemme remind it) was about replacing %Vit damage on Abom with sth like 4% DA or another useful stat.

If it’s not doing anything to you or your builds then what do you gain by removing it?

Remember when a group of people complained that the % elemental DoT on Conviction were useless? And what happened after while of complaining about that?

Yeah, yeah.

but we gain zero with this stat staying. and we gain a useful stat like DA or any res that boosts builds survivability etc with this one replaced.