I’m new here, have only played the game for a couple of weeks and have so far leveled a purifier to ~80.
I play with a friend and we alternate between taking the tank role and a caster/range role and now it’s my turn to play the tanky one. I just love the look of the lightning graphics in GD and I for my next character I would like to play a S&B lightning based one with lots of lightning procs with good survivability.
As we are new to the game, we don’t have much high end gear waiting for us so but I’m hoping someone could give me some pointers on a tanky, S&B class combo to play. And if it at a later stage could complete Crucible, then that would be a bonus. If it is a hybrid S&B/caster build, then that’s perfectly fine.
From my “research”, Warder seem to favor a 2H style, would Vindicator be a better choice?
Could Soldier be paired with another class than Shaman to make a solid lightning build without being dependant on gear to convert damage to lightning?
Am I bound to playing a Shaman if I want all those nice lightning graphics?
I don’t need a complete build or anything, just trying to get some pointers so I get a better grip on the path forward.
Not sure a Vindicator would fit what you’re looking for as most in the Build Compendium seem to be more casters than S&B. Warder may suit better. Anyway have a look and see what you think.
Good luck getting gear if you have already started playing…
You could have a look in the build compendium IX under “Builds for beginners” and see if you find something of interest.
I can PM you a sketch of a budget build I am working on to be released after the new expansion. But you need more posts I think to get and send PM’s so when you are ready for that, PM me and I will give you the info
Lightning and shields don’t synergize well currently. You can of course make such character and it will fare pretty well in campaign, but if you want a really powerful or really tanky kind of build, you have to choose: either you go with ligtning and with a 2hander/caster or you go with shields but physical/aether/vitality damage based on Soldier mastery.
Ah, I didn’t know that, much appreciated!
Does cold synergize better with shields? Is it viable to make a similar approach but with cold instead of lightning? Perhaps a Blademaster?
Why I want a shield? Dunno, just like shields, or perhaps because it “feels” tankier?
I think shields are a bit underpowered (unless you play soldier).
A blademaster would get cold dmg from Lethal Assault and frostburn from ELemental awakening. I guess it could work “decent-ish”. I can PM you a basic outline later
I can however really recommend that you study this thread http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74487
and get the Krieg set. The aether based skills and devotion has pretty cool graphics if u ask me
Because as I said, the pierce skills are not that fancy